
时间:2016-09-10 14:37:14

标签: c# image-processing filter fft convolution



enter image description here


enter image description here





enter image description here

Here is the Github repository.

public class HomomorphicFilter
    public HomoMorphicKernel Kernel = null;
    public bool IsPadded { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }
    public double RH { get; set; }
    public double RL { get; set; }
    public double Sigma { get; set; }
    public double Slope { get; set; }
    public int PaddedWidth { get; set; }
    public int PaddedHeight { get; set; }
    public Bitmap KernelBitmap
            if (IsPadded)
                return Kernel.PaddedKernelBitmap;
                return Kernel.KernelBitmap;

    #region private methods
    private int[,] Apply8bit(int[,] imageData2d)
        Complex[,] imageData2dShiftFftCplx = FourierShifter.ShiftFft(FourierTransform.ForwardFFT(ImageDataConverter.ToComplex(imageData2d)));

        Complex[,] fftShiftedFiltered = null;

        if (IsPadded)
            fftShiftedFiltered = Tools.Multiply(Kernel.PaddedKernel, imageData2dShiftFftCplx);
            fftShiftedFiltered = Tools.Multiply(Kernel.Kernel, imageData2dShiftFftCplx);

        return ImageDataConverter.ToInteger(FourierTransform.InverseFFT(FourierShifter.RemoveFFTShift(fftShiftedFiltered)));

    private int[, ,] Apply3d(int[, ,] image3d)
        int[, ,] filteredImage3d = new int[image3d.GetLength(0), image3d.GetLength(1), image3d.GetLength(2)];

        int widtH = image3d.GetLength(1);
        int heighT = image3d.GetLength(2);

        int[,] imageData2d = new int[widtH, heighT];
        for (int dimension = 0; dimension < 3; dimension++)
            for (int i = 0; i <= widtH - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= heighT - 1; j++)
                    imageData2d[i, j] = image3d[dimension, i, j];

            int[,] filteredImage2d = Apply8bit(imageData2d);

            for (int i = 0; i <= widtH - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= heighT - 1; j++)
                    filteredImage3d[dimension, i, j] = filteredImage2d[i, j];

        return filteredImage3d;

    public void Compute()
        if (IsPadded)
            if (Width >= PaddedWidth || Height >= PaddedHeight)
                throw new Exception("PaddedWidth or PaddedHeight must be greater than Width or Height.");

        Kernel = new HomoMorphicKernel();
        Kernel.Width = Width;
        Kernel.Height = Height;
        Kernel.RH = RH;
        Kernel.RL = RL;
        Kernel.Sigma = Sigma;
        Kernel.Slope = Slope;
        Kernel.PaddedWidth = PaddedWidth;
        Kernel.PaddedHeight = PaddedHeight;

    public Bitmap Apply8bit(Bitmap image)
        int[,] image2d = ImageDataConverter.ToInteger(image);

        int[,] filtered = Apply8bit(image2d);

        return ImageDataConverter.ToBitmap(filtered);

    public Bitmap Apply32bitColor(Bitmap image)
        int[, ,] image3d = ImageDataConverter.ToInteger3d_32bit(image);

        int[, ,] filtered = Apply3d(image3d);

        return ImageDataConverter.ToBitmap3d_32bit(filtered);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




for (int i = 0; i < bitmapData.Height; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < bitmapData.Width; j++)
        address[0] = 0;                 //<=== No red
        address[1] = (byte)image[j, i]; //<=== This is the green component
        address[2] = 0;                 //<=== No blue
        address[3] = 255;
        //4 bytes per pixel
        address += 4;
    }//end for j
    //4 bytes per pixel
    address += (bitmapData.Stride - (bitmapData.Width * 4));
}//end for i


        address[0] = (byte)image[j, i];
        address[1] = (byte)image[j, i];
        address[2] = (byte)image[j, i];
        address[3] = 255;



double K = 1 / D1;
double S = Width * Height / (Math.PI * Math.PI * D2 * D2);
for (int i = -halfOfWidth; i < halfOfWidth; i++)
    for (int j = -halfOfHeight; j < halfOfHeight; j++)
        int x = halfOfWidth + i;
        int y = halfOfHeight + j;

        if (i == 0 && j == 0)
            GaussianKernel[x, y] = Width * Height + (K / D1 - Kernel[x, y]) * S;
            GaussianKernel[x, y] = -Kernel[x, y] * S;


//Swap halves so the peak is at pixel (0,0)
double[,] shifted = new double[Width, Height];
for (int j = 0; j < halfOfHeight; j++)
    for (int i = 0; i < halfOfWidth; i++)
        int x = i + halfOfWidth;
        int y = j + halfOfHeight;

        shifted[x, y] = GaussianKernel[i, j];
        shifted[i, j] = GaussianKernel[x, y];
        shifted[x, j] = GaussianKernel[i, y];
        shifted[i, y] = GaussianKernel[x, j];
return shifted;

有关此修复程序的实现,请参阅this pull-request,其中还包括一些额外的调整(例如,我将Sigma修改为较不激进的值4,一些rescalings,在日志中显示内核-scale等)随意将参数调整为符合您要求的任何值。

有了这个,你应该得到一些看起来像: enter image description here




enter image description here