Apache FTP客户端决定使用SSL或原始FTP

时间:2016-09-16 09:47:20

标签: java apache ssl ftp


在撰写这个问题时,我正在开发一个项目,使用Java / Apache来实现文件传输软件的现代化(它已经很老了)。


但是,如果FTPS客户端尝试连接到非FTPS服务器,则会抛出SSLException。 FTP客户端在这种情况下工作正常。

最终,我希望将两个客户合理化为一个可以管理FTP和客户端的客户端。 FTPS连接。


在尝试SSL连接之前,是否有办法使用Apache / Java检测远程服务器上正在使用的协议?




package jtm.ftp.client;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.KeyStore;

import javax.net.ssl.KeyManager;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLException;

import jtm.common.JtmConstants;

import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPSClient;
import org.apache.commons.net.util.TrustManagerUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class JtmFTPSClient
    static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( JtmFTPSClient.class.getName( ) );   

    private static int PORT = JtmConstants.FTP_PORT;

    private static FTPSClient ftps = null;

    private static boolean IS_IMPLICIT = false;

    public static boolean getOrPut( String correlationID, String hostname, String user, String pass, String remoteFile, String localFile, String mode, String direction  )
        ftps = new FTPSClient( IS_IMPLICIT );       //look at using a constructor here perhaps - see the SWIPE FTPSClient

        boolean ftpsSuccess = false;

        log.debug( correlationID + " FTPS GET initiated" );                   

            if( setSslConfig( ) == false )
                return false;

            String fileTermName = new File( remoteFile ).getName();                                                          

             * Configuration Section - source this from the FTPConfig object ** that needs to be made more flexible

            log.info( correlationID + " FTPS Server Address : " + hostname );
            log.info( correlationID + " FTPS Port Number    : " + PORT );
            log.info( correlationID + " FTPS remoteFile     : " + remoteFile );
            log.info( correlationID + " FTPS localFile      : " + localFile );
            log.info( correlationID + " FTPS remoteTermName : " + fileTermName ); 

            // try to connect
            ftps.connect( hostname, PORT );                                                      

             *  Once connected we need to login to the server via username/password
            if ( !ftps.login( user, pass ) )
                log.error( correlationID + " FTPS Unable to log into : " + hostname + " with supplied credentials" );

                return false;

            int reply = ftps.getReplyCode();                      

            log.debug( correlationID + " FTPS Login Reply Code : " + reply );

             * http://forus.com/csm/ftps/ trying to SSL the crap out of this client
            ftps.execPBSZ( 0 );
            ftps.execPROT( "P" );

             *  FTPReply stores a set of constants for FTP reply codes.
            if ( !FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion( reply ) )
                log.error( correlationID + " FTPS Not a positive reply from " + hostname + " : " + reply);                

                return false;

            log.info( correlationID + " FTPS Logged into to Remote Host : " + hostname );


            log.debug( correlationID + " FTPS Entered Local Passive Mode");

            int xferMode = FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE;

            if( mode.equalsIgnoreCase("b") ) {

                xferMode = FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE;

            else if( mode.equalsIgnoreCase("t")) {

                xferMode = FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE;
                xferMode = FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE;

            log.debug(correlationID + " Mode for FTP : " + xferMode );

            // Set the buffer size to cope with larger files
            ftps.setBufferSize( 1024 * 1024 );

            log.debug( correlationID + " FTPS Set Buffer Size to  : " + ftps.getBufferSize( ) );
            log.debug( correlationID + " FTPS Remote system type  : " + ftps.getSystemType( ) );
            log.debug( correlationID + " FTPS Remote directory is : " + ftps.printWorkingDirectory( ) );

            log.info( correlationID  + " FTPS Remote file is " + remoteFile );            

            // Get output stream - This is where the file will be downloaded to

            if(direction.equalsIgnoreCase( "get" ) )
                OutputStream downloadedFile = new FileOutputStream( localFile );

                 * TODO Check that the remote file exists before download
                 * TODO Also a check that a local copy of the file does not already exist. 

                 *  GET the file from the remote system ( remoteFile, downloadedFile )
                ftpsSuccess = ftps.retrieveFile( remoteFile, downloadedFile );

                 *  close output stream

                log.info( correlationID + " FTPS Retrieval Complete for " + remoteFile );
            else if( direction.equalsIgnoreCase("put"))
                FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream( localFile );
                ftpsSuccess = ftps.storeFile(remoteFile, file );


            if( ftpsSuccess == false )
                log.error( correlationID + "FTPS Success is False" );                               
        catch( SSLException e )
            log.error("SSLException caught ", e );

             * Do we drop down to basic FTP here and try the transfer again? 
            //return JtmFTPClient.get(correlationID, hostname, user, pass, remoteFile, localFile, mode);

            ftpsSuccess = false;            

        catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
            log.error( correlationID + " FileNotFoundException caught ", e );

            ftpsSuccess = false;
        catch ( GeneralSecurityException e )
            log.error( correlationID + " GeneralSecurityException caught ", e );

            ftpsSuccess = false;
        catch ( IOException e )
            log.error( correlationID + " IOException caught ", e );

            ftpsSuccess = false;

            catch ( IOException e )
                log.error(correlationID + " IOException caught closing", e );

        log.debug(correlationID + " FTPS result : " + ftpsSuccess );

        return ftpsSuccess;

     * A Method that configures the SSL requirements when FTP'ing files to/from secure instances of UTM
     * @param  isSSL
     * @return boolean
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException
    private static boolean setSslConfig( ) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException

        String trustStorePath = JtmConstants.TRUST_STORE_PATH;
        String trustStorePass = JtmConstants.TRUST_STORE_PASS;

        String keyStorePath = JtmConstants.KEY_STORE_PATH;
        String keyStorePass = JtmConstants.KEY_STORE_PASS;

        String keyPass = JtmConstants.KEY_PASS;
        String keyAlias = JtmConstants.KEY_ALIAS;       

        boolean isSslRequired = true;

        if ( isSslRequired )
            if ( trustStorePath != null && trustStorePass != null )
                KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance( "JKS" );
                ks.load( new FileInputStream( trustStorePath ), trustStorePass.toCharArray( ) );

                ftps.setTrustManager( TrustManagerUtils.getDefaultTrustManager( ks ) );
                log.error( "Error setting up Trust Store" );
                log.error( "Trust Store path or trust store passord have not been supplied." );

                return false;
            ftps.setTrustManager( TrustManagerUtils.getAcceptAllTrustManager( ) );

        if ( keyStorePath != null && keyStorePass != null )

            File keyFile = new File( keyStorePath );

            KeyManager keyManager;

            if ( keyAlias != null )
                if ( keyPass != null )
                    keyManager = org.apache.commons.net.util.KeyManagerUtils
                            .createClientKeyManager( "JKS", keyFile,
                                    keyPass );
                    keyManager = org.apache.commons.net.util.KeyManagerUtils
                            .createClientKeyManager( keyFile, keyStorePass, keyAlias );                                            
                keyManager = org.apache.commons.net.util.KeyManagerUtils
                        .createClientKeyManager( keyFile, keyStorePass );

            ftps.setKeyManager( keyManager );

            return true;
            log.error( "Error setting up Key Store" );
            log.error( "Key Store path or key store passord have not been supplied." );

            return false;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



  • 攻击者只需将DNS查找重定向到恶意的不安全服务器,您就不会知道您刚刚丢失了凭据。

  • 攻击者可以模拟AUTH命令的失败(在连接获得安全之前发生)。您会自动降级到不安全的连接,再次以明文形式向攻击者显示您的凭据。


如果你真的需要一个很好的解决方案(没有重新连接)用于显式TLS / SSL,请参阅FTPSClient._connectAction_()的实现方式。您可以重新实现它以调用基础FTPClient._connectAction_()并尝试sendCommand(CMD_AUTH, auth),而不会抛出。当然,如果sslNegotiation()失败,请不要致电AUTH