
时间:2016-09-17 16:35:59

标签: c# unity3d timer



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using GooglePlayGames;
using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi;

public class GameLogic : MonoBehaviour 
    public int[] sequence; //The sequence int array will hold our sequence order
    public int sequenceLength; //The sequenceLength is how long a sequence will be. Everytime the player completes a sequence it goes up one
    public int sequencesPlayedCom; //The sequencesPlayedCom is to measure how many times the computer has pressed the buttons in the current sequence
    public int sequencesPlayedPlayer; //The sequencesPlayedPlayer is to measure how many times the player has pressed the buttons in the current sequence
    public float timeleft = 5.0f;
    public float timecounter;

    public int score; //Each time the player completes a sequence they get +1 onto their score
    public int casualHighScore; //This variable holds the highest score that the player has ever achieved on the casual gamemode
    public int randomizeHighScore; //This variable holds the highest score that the player has ever achieved on the randomize gamemode
    public string gameMode; //This will tell us what game mode the player chose so we can modify the game (casual, randomize)

    public GameObject greenButton; //This holds the GameObject of our green button, so that the script can send messages over to it
    public GameObject redButton; //This holds the GameObject of our red button, so that the script can send messages over to it
    public GameObject blueButton; //This holds the GameObject of our blue button, so that the script can send messages over to it
    public GameObject yellowButton; //This holds the GameObject of our yellow button, so that the script can send messages over to it

    public Text scoreText; //This is the text that is displayed on screen, that tells us our score
    public Text highScoreText; //Just like the score text, but displaying the high score

    public AudioSource audioSource; //This is the source of which we will play the sequence fail and complete sounds through
    public AudioClip sequenceCompleteSound;
    public AudioClip sequenceFailSound;
    public AudioClip buttonClickSound;

    void Start () //The Start function is called on the frame that the script becomes active
        gameMode = PlayerPrefs.GetString("GameMode"); //We need to access our game mode that the player selected
        casualHighScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CasualHighScore"); //We need to access our saved score
        randomizeHighScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("RandomizeHighScore"); 
        audioSource = GameObject.Find("Camera").GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        audioSource.volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Volume"); //We are setting our volume to the one that we set in the options menu
        sequence = new int[50]; //Here we are defining the sequence array's size
        timecounter = timeleft;
        StartCoroutine(GenerateNextSequence()); //We call the GenerateNextSequence function which randomly selects the next number for the sequence

    void Update () //The Update function is called once per frame
        scoreText.text = "SCORE\n" + score; //Here we are setting what our on screen text will say. The '\n' basically makes a new line
        if(gameMode == "casual"){
            highScoreText.text = "HIGH SCORE\n" + casualHighScore; //Just like the on screen score text, but displaying the high score for the casual gamemode
        else if(gameMode == "randomize"){
            highScoreText.text = "HIGH SCORE\n" + randomizeHighScore; //Just like the on screen score text, but displaying the high score for the randomize gamemode


    public void timer()
        if (timecounter > 0)
            timecounter -= Time.deltaTime;
        } else
            audioSource.PlayOneShot(sequenceFailSound); //Since the player failed the sequence, we need to play the appropriate sound
            Application.LoadLevel(0); //Since the player we load up the menu

    IEnumerator GenerateNextSequence ()
        sequencesPlayedCom = 0; //Set the number of times that the computer has clicked a button to 0
        sequencesPlayedPlayer = 0; //Set the number of times that the player has clicked a button to 0

        timecounter = timeleft;
        timecounter = timecounter + 3;

        if (gameMode == "casual"){
            sequence[sequenceLength - 1] = Random.Range(1, 5); //Since array index's start at 0, we have it randomly select a number between 1 and 5 (it rounds to the nearest int) and set it to the most current index number.
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); //We wait 1 second after picking our next colour, before going on to playing the sequence
            StartCoroutine(PlaySequence()); //Now that we have our next colour, we can go and play the array to the player
        else if(gameMode == "randomize"){
            for(int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; i ++){
                sequence[i] = Random.Range(1, 5);
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
            StartCoroutine(PlaySequence()); //Now that we have our random sequence, we can have the computer play it

    IEnumerator PlaySequence () //Plays the sequence
        CanClickButton(false); //We call a function that disables the buttons while the computer is playing the sequence

        while(sequencesPlayedCom < sequenceLength){ //A while loop. Here we have it continuously do what is inside the brackets as long as sequencesPlayedCom < sequenceLength
            GameObject buttonToPress = null; //We set this temporary GameObject variable to hold the button so its ButtonPress function can be called

            if(sequence[sequencesPlayedCom] == 1){ //If the next element in the int array is 1 then it will be a green button
                buttonToPress = greenButton;
            else if(sequence[sequencesPlayedCom] == 2){
                buttonToPress = redButton;
            else if(sequence[sequencesPlayedCom] == 3){
                buttonToPress = blueButton;
            else if(sequence[sequencesPlayedCom] == 4){
                buttonToPress = yellowButton;

            buttonToPress.SendMessage("ButtonPress"); //We call the ButtonPress function on the button so the player can see and hear it
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.7f); //Wait 0.7 seconds until we continue to the next colour in the sequence
            sequencesPlayedCom++; //Adding one to the sequencesPlayedCom so we know that computer just clicked a button

        if(sequencesPlayedCom == sequenceLength){
            CanClickButton(true); //After the computer has pressed all the buttons in the sequence, the player can now click on the buttons

    IEnumerator CheckSequenceButton (int id)
        if(sequence[sequencesPlayedPlayer] == id){ //We check to see if the next color of the sequence is the one that the player pressed
            sequencesPlayedPlayer ++;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f); 
            audioSource.PlayOneShot(sequenceFailSound); //Since the player failed the sequence, we need to play the appropriate sound


            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.7f); //A delay after the player fails 
            Application.LoadLevel(0); //Since the player we load up the menu

        if(sequencesPlayedPlayer == sequenceLength){ //If the player has completed the sequence
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f); //We have a small delay after the player completes the sequence
            score++; //Since the player has completed the sequence, we will add 1 to the score
            sequenceLength++; //The sequence length is one added to it
            StartCoroutine(GenerateNextSequence()); //We continue on with this loop, increasing the sequence one colour at a time

    public void GoToMenu () //Function used to get back to the main menu    
        audioSource.PlayOneShot(buttonClickSound); //Playing the button click sound

    void CanClickButton (bool i) //Tells the buttons if they can be clicked or not
        greenButton.SendMessage("DisableOrEnableButton", i);
        redButton.SendMessage("DisableOrEnableButton", i);
        blueButton.SendMessage("DisableOrEnableButton", i);
        yellowButton.SendMessage("DisableOrEnableButton", i);

    void SaveScore () //Checks if score is higher that high score then saves it to Player Prefs
        if(gameMode == "casual"){ //If the game mode is Casual 
            if(score > casualHighScore){ //If the players current score is higher than their highscore then we will change it
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CasualHighScore", score);
                if (PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.localUser.authenticated)
                    // Note: make sure to add 'using GooglePlayGames'
                        (bool success) =>
                            Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Leaderboard update success: " + success);
        else if(gameMode == "randomize"){
            if(score > randomizeHighScore){
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("RandomizeHighScore", score);
                if (PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.localUser.authenticated)
                    // Note: make sure to add 'using GooglePlayGames'
                        (bool success) =>
                            Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Leaderboard update success: " + success);


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