模板类中的C ++限制性模板友元函数

时间:2016-09-18 01:18:18

标签: c++ templates friend


// no forward declarations
// template<typename T>
// class A;
// template<typename T>
// void swap(A<T>& lhs, A<T>& rhs);

template<typename T>
class A {
    int m_i;
//  template<typename T1>
//  friend void swap<T1>(A<T1>& lhs, A<T1>& rhs);  // all instantiations of swap() 
                                                   // are friends: not restrictive

//  friend void swap<>(A<T>& lhs, A<T>& rhs);  // restrictive: only T instantiation 
                                               // is a friend, but it requires 
                                               // forward declaration

    friend void swap<>(A& lhs, A& rhs);  // note absence of brackets in arguments: 
                                         // restrictive as above, but no forward 
                                         // declaration required. Why not??

    A(int i = 0) : m_i{i} { }

template<typename T>
void swap(A<T>& lhs, A<T>& rhs) {
    A<double> cA;
//  cA.m_i = 0;    // compile-time error: swap<int> instantiation 
                   // is NOT a friend of A<double>

int main() {
    A<int> cA1, cA2;    // A<int> instantiation
    swap(cA1, cA2);        
    return 0;


在A类中,需要前向声明的friend void swap<>(A<T>& lhs, A<T>& rhs)似乎与friend void swap<>(A& lhs, A& rhs) 的行为方式相同,而需要前向声明。


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