
时间:2016-09-20 11:48:23

标签: c++

这里我有一个异常处理程序,其中我使用了&&运营商比较城市名称, 我有问题,我有&&运营商如果条件但我们知道&&只有当这个程序中的所有值都为真时才执行,即使我们输入一个值,这个程序也能正确执行。



using namespace std;

int main() {
  int i, n, age;  //variable declaration
  double income;
  char city[20];

  cout<<"\n Enter your age:";

  try {
    if (age < 18 || age > 55)   
      throw runtime_error("\n Age is not in the range of 18-55");
  } catch(const exception& e) {  //creation of exception object 'e'
    cout<<"EXCEPTION:"<<e.what()<<'\n'; //what()- member funciton of type id

  cout<<"\n Enter your income:";
  try {
      throw runtime_error("\n Income is not in the range of 50000-100000");
  } catch(const exception& e)// creation of exception object 'e'
  cout<<"\n In which city do you live?";

  try {
    if(strcmp(city, "Pune")
       && strcmp(city, "Banglore")
       && strcmp(city,"Chennai")
       && strcmp(city, "Mumbai"))   
      throw runtime_error("\ncity is not any of these:- Pune/Mumbai/Banglore/Chennai");
  }  catch(const exception& e)// creation of exception object 'e'
    cout<<" EXCEPTION:"<<e.what()<<'\n';

  cout<<"\n Information of person is as follows:";// displpaying all the information accepted
  cout<<"\n Age:"<<age;
  cout<<"\n Income:"<<income;
  cout<<"\n City:"<<city;

  return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你知道std :: strcmp(p1,p2)返回整数值,含义如下:

  • &LT;如果不匹配的第一个字符的值较低,则为0 p1比p2
  • 0两个字符串的内容相等

  • &GT; 0不匹配的第一个字符在p1中的值大于在p2中的值

因此,例如,如果用户输入&#34;莫斯科&#34;比我们得到的: (1&amp;&amp; -1&amp;&amp; -1&amp;&amp; 1)但它的意思是(真&amp;&amp;真&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;真)和异常将是抛出

相反,您应该只检查相等性,所以只需将代码更改为: ...

if((strcmp(city, "Pune") != 0) && (strcmp(city, "Banglore") != 0) && (strcmp(city,"Chennai") != 0) && (strcmp(city, "Mumbai")!=0))
