绑定参数值 - PDO参数号无效

时间:2016-09-22 14:10:38

标签: php pdo

我正在编写一个API类来查询数据。我在类中有一个函数,它使用myTextField.inputAccessoryView = UIToolbar() 语句来查询特定的硬编码表名(即eventLog)的数据。



我正在尝试使用PDO语句来阻止SQL注入。我已经阅读了几个有关如何正确编写PDO语句的有用文档,包括bindValue / bindParam。


// query
$sql = "SELECT :selectType 
        FROM  `log` :clause
        ORDER BY `:orderByColumn` :orderByClause
        LIMIT :limitStart, :limitStep";



    // set requirements
    require_once 'Database.php';

    /*  EventLogsAPI class
    *  This class is used to query data from the eventLog table, and handle other data processing
    class EventLogsAPI {

        // set class member variables
        private $connection;    // database connection
        private $records;       // records from query

        /*  Constructor function
        public function __construct() {
              // create DB object
              $this->connection = new DBConnection();

        /*  Collect records function
         *  Get the records from this prep statement, and store them in $this->records
         *  @param object - database object
        public function collectRecords($prep) {
              // clear records from previous query
              $this->records = array();

              // execute query 

              // for each record
              while (false !== ($row = $prep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) {
                    $this->records[] = $row;

        /*  getEventLogData function 
         *  Get event log data with a optional (where) clause
         *  @param string - select state (*, distinct, etc...)
         *  @param string - conditional SQL clause (e.g. where ID = 2)
         *  @param string - order by column (e.g. user, ID, date, etc...)
         *  @param string - order by clause (e.g. asc, desc)
         *  @param integer - starting limit param (i.e. 0)
         *  @param integer - limit step param (i.e. 25)
         *  @param boolean - used to debug SQL
         *  @return JSON - json containing array of records
       public function getEventLogData($selectType, $clause, $orderByColumn, $orderByClause, $limitStart, $limitStep) {

              // query
              $sql = "SELECT :selectType 
                      FROM  `log` :clause
                      ORDER BY `:orderByColumn` :orderByClause
                      LIMIT :limitStart, :limitStep";

              // prep the query
              $prep = $this->connection->DB('log')->prepare($sql);

              // for each function argument 
              foreach ($bind = func_get_args() as $key => $value) {
                    // prevent null values
                    if ($value == NULL) {
                          // set to empty strings
                          $bind[$key] = "";

                    // bind value
                    $prep->bindValue(":$bind[$key]", $bind[$key]); 

                    // debug
                    echo ($key . " - " . $value . "\n");

              // collect the records
              // return records
              return json_encode($this->records);



0 - *
1 - 
2 - date
3 - DESC
4 - 0
5 - 20
<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined in <b>EventLogsAPI.class.php</b> on line <b>32</b><br />

但是,我收到错误:// query $sql = "SELECT * FROM `log` ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0, 20";


  1. :参数名称与绑定值
  2. 匹配
  3. 确保参数编号与查询中的PDO值匹配
  4. 绑定正确的值
  5. 确保没有空值
  6. 我知道还有其他几个问题,但我还没有找到解决这个问题的方法。任何有关调试的帮助都非常感谢。谢谢你的阅读。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

占位符只能代表 VALUES 。您不能将它们用于SQL关键字/标识符。

    FROM  `eventLog` :clause

    ORDER BY `:orderByColumn` :orderByClause
             ^--------------^--- also wrong



$order_by = 'ASC':
$sql = "SELECT ... ORDER BY $order_by";

是的,这让你对潜在的sql injection attacks开放。占位符非常适合数据,但对于许多其他类型的查询它们完全没用。