有没有一种更快速的方法来对稀疏矩阵进行子集化而不是' ['?

时间:2016-09-23 23:04:52

标签: r matrix sparse-matrix



seqMeta包用于分析遗传数据。所以你有一组科目(n_subject)和一些遗传标记(n_snps)。这导致n_subject x n_snp矩阵(Z)。还有一个数据框可以告诉您哪些snps组合在一起进行分析(通常哪些snps包含给定的基因)。

虽然Z可能很大,但它很稀疏。通常,小于10%,有时约2%的值是非零的。 sprase矩阵表示似乎是节省空间的明显选择。


随着数据量的不断增长,我发现时间限制因素往往是分组数,而不是数据的实际大小。 (参见下面的示例,运行时是n_splits的线性函数,用于相同的数据)




n_subjects <- 1e3
n_snps <- 1e5
sparcity <- 0.05

n <- floor(n_subjects*n_snps*sparcity) 

# create our simulated data matrix
Z <- Matrix(0, nrow = n_subjects, ncol = n_snps, sparse = TRUE)
pos <- sample(1:(n_subjects*n_snps), size = n, replace = FALSE)
vals <- rnorm(n)
Z[pos] <- vals

# create the data frame on how to split
# real data set the grouping size is between 1 and ~1500
n_splits <- 500
sizes <- sample(2:20, size = n_splits, replace = TRUE)  
lkup <- data.frame(gene_name=rep(paste0("g", 1:n_splits), times = sizes),
                   snps = sample(n_snps, size = sum(sizes)))

# simple function that gets called on the split
# the real function creates a cols x cols dense upper triangular matrix
# similar to a covariance matrix
simple_fun <- function(Z, cols) {sum(Z[ , cols])}

# split our matrix based look up table
res <- tapply(lkup[ , "snps"], lkup[ , "gene_name"], FUN=simple_fun, Z=Z, simplify = FALSE)

##    user  system elapsed 
##    3.21    0.00    3.21  

n_splits <- 1000
sizes <- sample(2:20, size = n_splits, replace = TRUE)  
lkup <- data.frame(gene_name=rep(paste0("g", 1:n_splits), times = sizes),
                   snps = sample(n_snps, size = sum(sizes)))

# split our matrix based look up table
res <- tapply(lkup[ , "snps"], lkup[ , "gene_name"], FUN=simple_fun, Z=Z, simplify = FALSE)

##    user  system elapsed 
##    6.38    0.00    6.38

n_splits <- 5000
sizes <- sample(2:20, size = n_splits, replace = TRUE)  
lkup <- data.frame(gene_name=rep(paste0("g", 1:n_splits), times = sizes),
                   snps = sample(n_snps, size = sum(sizes)))

# split our matrix based look up table
res <- tapply(lkup[ , "snps"], lkup[ , "gene_name"], FUN=simple_fun, Z=Z, simplify = FALSE)

##    user  system elapsed 
##   31.65    0.00   31.66

问题:是否有更快的方式来分配矩阵而不是&#39; [&#39;?或者其他人接近我错过了?

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