
时间:2016-09-30 19:59:36

标签: javascript arrays algorithm sorting genetic-algorithm


我需要婴儿 - 孩子 - 根据父亲的英俊程度来均匀分配;但是,我需要每个人得到一个克隆,因为他们变异的孩子更丑陋/更漂亮,然后又是另一个机会......(parents.length <= children.length

父数组按英俊度排序,因此parents[0] = me;。 到目前为止我所做的是:

for (var p = parents.legth; parent--;) {
    var myself = parents[p],
        aRandomDaddy = parents[~~(Math.random()*parents.length)]
        iDeserveMoreThan1Child = parents.length-p;
        // if this is 0 they're last in the array and just get their 1 clone. Should be different, right?

    if (iDeserveMoreThan1Child) {

我现在要做的是找出一种算法makeABabyWith(aRandomDaddy)children.length - parents.length次的方法,并考虑到爸爸们的英俊程度。


for(var c = parents.length, totalHandsomeness = 0; c--;)
    totalHandsomeness+= parents[c].handsomeness;

    for (var handsomenessComparedToEveryoneElse
         = ~~(myself.handsomeness * children.length / totalHandsomeness);
         handsomenessComparedToEveryoneElse--;) {

现在,这给出了相对于父母的优势的分布。 然而,当地板发生时,你有时会得到0。 因此,如果子阵列的长度为20,那么你的后代可能会非常广泛。


var childrenToBeCreated = children.length - parents.length;


    while (childrenToBeCreated) for (var handsomenessComparedToEveryoneElse
         = ~~(myself.handsomeness * children.length / totalHandsomeness);
        handsomenessComparedToEveryoneElse--;) {
        if (childrenToBeCreated) {
        } else break;

//EDIT: realised this would run to the end in the first loop and break, instead of run through all and check for left overs.
//EDIT OF THE EDIT: no it wouldn't...
//ED...: Yes it would, the while loops inside the for loop.

console.log("is","this"+"a good way to do it?? would this even work");




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



var int = v => 0|v;

//creates mostly average and below values, and fewer high values
var randomHandsomeness = () => int( Math.pow(Math.random(), 2) * 100 ) + 1;

var breedClone = (parent) => ({ 
    id: int(Math.random() * 0x80000000).toString(36),  //no time for names
    handsomeness: int( .25 * parent.handsomeness + .75 * randomHandsomeness() ), //a bit genetic heritage but mostly luck
    parent: parent //just for the record

var deriveBatch = (parents, numClonesToBreed, minChildrenPerParent, distribution) => {
    console.log("starting batch of", numClonesToBreed);

    if(typeof minChildrenPerParent === "function"){
        distribution = minChildrenPerParent;
        minChildrenPerParent = 0;

    if(typeof distribution !== "function"){
        distribution = (handsomeness) => handsomeness;

    minChildrenPerParent = Math.max(int(minChildrenPerParent), 0);

    //I'll add these back in the loop
    numClonesToBreed -= parents.length * minChildrenPerParent; 
    if(numClonesToBreed < 0){
        throw new Error("increase batch size, insufficient capacities for these specs");

    //order doesn't matter, only handsomeness in relation to the total handsomeness
    var totalHandsomeness = parents.reduce((acc, p) => acc + distribution( p.handsomeness ), 0); 

    return parents.reduce((newBatch, parent) => {   
        //this computation doesn't only compute the relative handsomeness of the parent to the group,
        //and the amount of children he's entitled to, but also balances the delta 
        //between the computed value and the rounded numChildren
        //(partial clones are of no use and are therefore avoided).
        //At the same time it's important to neither overproduce nor stay short of the goal.
        var handsomeness = distribution( parent.handsomeness );
        var numChildren = Math.round( handsomeness / totalHandsomeness * numClonesToBreed );
        totalHandsomeness -= handsomeness;
        numClonesToBreed -= numChildren;

        //add the minimum amount of children per parent to the computed/distributed numChildren
        numChildren += minChildrenPerParent;
        console.log("handsomeness: %i, children: %i", parent.handsomeness, numChildren);

        while(numChildren--) newBatch.push( breedClone( parent ) );
        return newBatch;
    }, []);


//prepare a first batch
var parents = deriveBatch([{
    id: "Jango Fett",
    handsomeness: 75,
    parent: null //file corrupted
}], 10);

//breed new clones from the parent batch
//create 30 clones
//create at least 1 clone per parent
//and a weighting function how the handsomeness impacts the amount of children
//pow < 1: handsome people get more children, but not that much more
//pow = 1: linear correlation of handsomeness to distribution
//pow > 1: handsome people get significantly more children
var children = deriveBatch(parents, 30, 1, handsomeness => Math.pow(handsomeness, 1.25));

