
时间:2016-10-04 17:23:29

标签: ios objective-c xcode uinavigationcontroller

导航堆栈错误,我已经多次加载了PUSHVIEWA similiar this one i added tab bar

Then push a PUSHVIEWA from tab1 and tab 2 

View---> Tabbar----->navigation controller->tab1
               ----->navigation controller->tab2        PUSHVIEWA
               ----->navigation controller->tab3
               ----->navigation controller->tab4


I am pusing a view PUSHVIEWA from tab1 and back 
I am pusing a view PUSHVIEWA from tab2 and back 

On click several times, strange thing happen,
On click of tab1-> PUSHVIEWA -> tab1-> PUSHVIEWA-> tab1
now on press of tab2 shows me PUSHVIEWA 

how to fix it?

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