
时间:2016-10-05 10:45:13

标签: php doctrine


private function getDiscountPrice(int $weighting, Article $article, Customer $customer, array $args) {

// Get the query builder
$qb = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder();
$params = new ArrayCollection();

foreach($args as $key => $arg):


$discount = null;

try {
    $discount = $qb->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
} catch (NonUniqueResultException $e) {
    // @TODO Add log entry to inform about Exception
    return null;


感谢您的任何想法, 迈克尔

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是解决方案 - 刚刚找到它:

private function getDiscountPrice(int $weighting, Article $article, Customer $customer, array $args) {

// Get the query builder
$qb = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder();

$params = new ArrayCollection();
$conditions = new ArrayCollection();

foreach($args as $key => $arg):

$conditions = call_user_func_array(array($qb->expr(), 'andX'), $conditions->toArray());


$discount = null;

try {
    $discount = $qb->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
} catch (NonUniqueResultException $e) {
    // @TODO Add log entry to inform about Exception
    return null;

// If a discount was found calculate the price for this discount and return it.
if (!is_null($discount)):
    $discountPrice = $this->calculateDiscountPrice($article, $discount, $customer);

答案 1 :(得分:0)



private function getDiscountPrice(int $weighting, Article $article, Customer $customer, array $args)
  // Early out if there's nothing to do.
  if (empty($args)) {
    return null;

  $qb = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder()

  $conditions = $qb->expr()->andX();

  // Instead of setting each parameter individually (see below) you could set them 
  // all at once without the need for an ArrayCollection(), like you used, because your 
  // $args array is already in the correct format.
  // $qb->setParameters($args);

  foreach($args as $key => $arg) {
    $conditions->add('discount.'.$key.' = :'.$key);
    $qb->setParameter($key, $arg);

  // You could check for $conditions->count() > 0 here, but we already did that at the beginning.
  try {
    return $this->calculateDiscountPrice(
  } catch (NonUniqueResultException $e) {
    // @TODO Add log entry to inform about Exception
    return null;
