Dynamic list creation using extra button

时间:2016-10-09 15:58:34

标签: javascript java jquery html5 jsp

I want to create a dynamic list.

It can be select option or dropdown or any other list type.

I want to be able to add new options if the current list does not include the desired option.

I want to use a separate button which pops up a new field which allows the user to add a new value to the list.

How can I do that?

The blue coloured part of this picture shows some code which is producing a pop up in background

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

使用jquery 给你的选择和输入框提供一个类名,然后按钮

$(".your button class").click(function(){
    var op=$(".your input class").val();
    var data="<option>"+op+"</option>";
    $(".your select class").append(data);