
时间:2016-10-11 16:42:03

标签: python performance dictionary




for businessA in business : # iterate over 77039 values 
    for businessB in business : # iterate over 77039 values
        if businessA != businessB :
            for rating in business[businessB] : # where rating is 1 - 5
                for review in business[businessB][rating] :
                    user = reviewMap[review]['user'];
                    if user in business[businessA]['users'] :
                        for users in business[businessA]['users'] :
                            # do something
                # do probability
                # a print is here


EDIT 包括源代码 - 此处,businessA和businessB属于单独的词典,但值得注意的是,它们在每个词典中都包含相同的businessID(出价)。它只是每个键值的变化:值对。

def crossMatch(TbidMap) :
    for Tbid in TbidMap :
        for Lbid in LbidMap :
            # Ensure T and L aren't the same business
            if Tbid != Lbid :
                # Get numer of reviews at EACH STAR rate for L
                for stars in LbidMap[Lbid] :
                    posTbid = 0;
                    # For each review check if user rated the Tbid
                    for Lreview in LbidMap[Lbid][stars] :
                        user = reviewMap[Lreview]['user'];
                        if user in TbidMap[Tbid] :
                            # user rev'd Tbid, get their Trid & see if gave Tbid pos rev
                            for Trid in TbidMap[Tbid][user] :
                                Tstar = reviewMap[Trid]['stars'];
                                if Tstar in pos_list :
                                    posTbid += 1;
                    #probability calculations happen here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


import sqlite3

def create_interim_mem_dump(cursor, connection):

    query = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ratings(
            Tbid TEXT,
            Lbid TEXT,
            posTbid TEXT)

def crossMatch(TbidMap, cursor, connection) :
    for Tbid in TbidMap :
        for Lbid in LbidMap :
            # Ensure T and L aren't the same business
            if Tbid != Lbid :
                # Get numer of reviews at EACH STAR rate for L
                for stars in LbidMap[Lbid] :
                    posTbid = 0;
                    # For each review check if user rated the Tbid
                    for Lreview in LbidMap[Lbid][stars] :
                        user = reviewMap[Lreview]['user'];
                        if user in TbidMap[Tbid] :
                            # user rev'd Tbid, get their Trid & see if gave Tbid pos rev
                            for Trid in TbidMap[Tbid][user] :
                                Tstar = reviewMap[Trid]['stars'];
                                if Tstar in pos_list :
                                    posTbid += 1;   
                    query = """INSERT INTO ratings (Tbid, Lbid, posTbid) 
                            VALUES (?, ?, ?)"""
                    cursor.execute(query, (Tbid, Lbid, posTbid))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    conn = sqlite3.connect('collated_ratings.db')
    c = conn.cursor()

    create_db = create_interim_mem_dump(c, conn)
    your_data = 'Some kind of dictionary into crossMatch()'