
时间:2010-10-22 19:28:05

标签: .net delegates using-statement deferred-execution


public TResult Run<TResult>(Func<SqlDataReader, TResult> resultDelegate)
   TResult result;

   using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) // command is SqlCommand with attached SqlConnection
      result = resultsDelegate(reader);

   // Some other unrelated code (but that's why result has a variable)

   return result;

在一种情况下,resultDelegate的返回类型(TResult)为IEnumerable<object>。问题是Run函数由于延迟执行而立即返回,处理SqlDataReader。稍后在代码中,当我尝试阅读结果时(代理人reader.Read(),我得到InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed.


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public TResult Run<TResult>(Func<SqlDataReader, TResult> resultDelegate)
   TResult result;

   using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) // command is SqlCommand with attached SqlConnection
      result = resultsDelegate(reader);
      if (typeof(TResult) == typeof(IEnumerable<object>)) 
         var enumerable = result as IEnumerable<object>;
         if (enumerable != null) 
            result = enumerable.ToList();  

   // Some other unrelated code (but that's why result has a variable)

   return result;
