
时间:2016-10-14 01:59:17

标签: javascript module amd commonjs

据我所知,CommonJS和AMD之间的区别仅仅在于CommonJS需要制作一个静态包,以便在运行时可以解析所有依赖关系,而AMD允许我们以异步方式加载/解析deps。几乎所有我读过的内容都解释了这种方式的主要区别,但我正在阅读Addy Osmani的“编写模块化JavaScript”,我对一些AMD示例提出了一些问题:

了解AMD define():

// A module_id (myModule) is used here for demonstration purposes only

   ['foo', 'bar'], 
   // module definition function
   // dependencies (foo and bar) are mapped to function parameters
   function ( foo, bar ) {
       // return a value that defines the module export
       // (i.e the functionality we want to expose for consumption)

       // create your module here
       var myModule = {
               console.log('Yay! Stuff');

       return myModule;

// An alternative example could be..
   ['math', 'graph'], 
   function ( math, graph ) {

       // Note that this is a slightly different pattern
       // With AMD, it's possible to define modules in a few
       // different ways due as it's relatively flexible with
       // certain aspects of the syntax
       return {
           plot: function(x, y){
               return graph.drawPie(math.randomGrid(x,y));


了解AMD require():

// Consider 'foo' and 'bar' are two external modules
// In this example, the 'exports' from the two modules loaded are passed as
// function arguments to the callback (foo and bar)
// so that they can similarly be accessed

require(['foo', 'bar'], function ( foo, bar ) {
        // rest of your code here


define(function ( require ) {
    var isReady = false, foobar;

    // note the inline require within our module definition
    require(['foo', 'bar'], function (foo, bar) {
        isReady = true;
        foobar = foo() + bar();

    // we can still return a module
    return {
        isReady: isReady,
        foobar: foobar

现在看完这两个例子后我很困惑。似乎说require()用于动态加载的依赖项,但这不是我们首先使用AMD / define的原因吗?支持异步/动态加载deps ??如果require()允许我们动态加载deps,那么define()有什么用处,或者我应该说,那么AMD的define()与普通的CJS实现有什么不同?

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