更新为离子2 RC0后,Corodova文件传输无法正常工作

时间:2016-10-14 15:18:18

标签: cordova ionic-framework cordova-plugins ionic2 file-transfer

自从更新my ionic 2 app以释放候选RC0后,Cordova文件传输插件不再正常工作。服务器没有获得任何参数(参数)。


        var now = Date.now();
        const ft = new Transfer();
        var options:any;
        options = {
          fileKey: "photo",
          fileName: this.userID + '_' + now + '_' + fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1),
          mimeType: "image/jpeg",
          params: {
            user_id: 1, 
            title: this.title,
            item_type: 'P',
            latitude: this.latitude,
            longitude: this.longitude,
            timestamp: this.dateTime},
          headers: {}

        options.headers = headers;

        ft.upload(this.data, encodeURI(API_ENDPOINT + 'photoupload/'), options, true)
          .then((result: any) => {
            this.submiting = false; // Clear submitted flag              
            let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
              title: 'Done!',
              subTitle: 'Your photo was been uploaded and is now waiting to be approved (this can take up to 3 days). Thank you for contributing to the World Image Archive.',
              buttons: [
                  text: 'Ok',
                  handler: data => {
          .catch((error: any) => {
            console.log('****** PhotoPage: image upload failed with error:'+JSON.stringify(error));
            this.showAlert('Problem Uploading Image', 'Image upload failed');


在从离子2 Beta10升级到离子2 RC0之前,这种方法很好。


import {NavController, Events, AlertController, Platform, LoadingController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {NgZone, Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Camera, Transfer} from 'ionic-native';
import {API_ENDPOINT} from '../../app_settings';
import {DjangoAuth} from '../../providers/djangoAuth';

  templateUrl: 'photo.html',
export class PhotoPage {

  submitMediaItem:any = {};
  tandc:boolean = false;
  submiting:boolean = false;
  userID:number = 0;
  showInstructions:boolean = false;
  title:any = "X";
  latitude:any = "";
  longitude:any = "";
  dateTime:any = "";
  event:boolean = false;
  nature:boolean = false;
  architecture:boolean = false;

  progress: number;
  // SEE: https://github.com/dtaalbers/ionic-2-examples/blob/master/file-transfer-upload/app/pages/uploading/uploading.ts

  constructor(public alertCtrl: AlertController,
              public loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
              public nav : NavController,
              public ngzone : NgZone,
              public camera: Camera,
              public events : Events,
              public djangoAuth : DjangoAuth,
              public platform : Platform){
    this.zone = ngzone;


    var options = {
      quality: 75,
      //destinationType: navigator.camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL, // For file transfer (rather than display) use FILE_URL
      destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, // For file transfer (rather than display) use FILE_URL
      sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
      //allowEdit: true,
      encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
      //targetWidth: 1000,
      //targetHeight: 1000,
      //popoverOptions: CameraPopoverOptions,
      saveToPhotoAlbum: false

    Camera.getPicture(options).then((data:any) => {
      //alert('Camera.EncodingType.JPEG='+Camera.EncodingType.JPEG+', Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI='+Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI);
      var thisResult = JSON.parse(data);
      //alert('getPicture returned: '+thisResult);
      var metadata = JSON.parse(thisResult.json_metadata);
      this.data = thisResult.filename;
      if (metadata != "{}") {
        //alert('GetPicture Data Returned exif data: '+ thisResult.json_metadata);
        // iOS and Android return the exif and gps differently and I am not converting or accounting for the Lat/Lon reference.
        if (this.platform.is('ios')) {
          //alert('Platform is ios');
          if (metadata && typeof metadata.GPS != 'undefined' && typeof metadata.GPS.Latitude != 'undefined') {
            this.latitude = metadata.GPS.Latitude;
            this.longitude = metadata.GPS.Longitude;
            if (metadata.GPS.LatitudeRef == 'S') this.latitude = -this.latitude;
            if (metadata.GPS.LongitudeRef == 'W') this.longitude = -this.longitude;
            this.dateTime = metadata.Exif.DateTimeOriginal;
            //alert('metadata.GPS.Latitude: ' + metadata.GPS.Latitude + ' metadata.GPS.Longitude: ' + metadata.GPS.Longitude + 'this.Latitude: ' + this.latitude + ' this.Longitude: ' + this.longitude);
            //alert('DateTimeOriginal: ' + metadata.Exif.DateTimeOriginal);
            this.showAlert('Incompatible Image', 'The image you selected does not have location information. Only images with location and date information can be submitted.');
            this.latitude = '';
            this.longitude = '';
            this.dateTime = '';
        else {
          //alert('Platform is not ios');
          if (metadata && typeof metadata.gpsLatitude != 'undefined') {
            this.latitude = metadata.gpsLatitude;
            this.longitude = metadata.gpsLongitude;
            this.dateTime = metadata.Exif.DateTimeOriginal;
            //alert('Lat: ' + metadata.gpsLatitude + ' Lon: ' + metadata.gpsLongitude);
            //alert('DateTimeOriginal: ' + metadata.Exif.DateTimeOriginal);
            this.showAlert('Incompatible Image', 'The image you selected does not have location information. Only images with location and date information can be submitted.');
            this.latitude = '';
            this.longitude = '';
            this.dateTime = '';
      else {
        this.showAlert('Incompatible Image', 'Image does not have location information');
        this.latitude = '';
        this.longitude = '';
        this.dateTime = '';

      this.zone.run(()=> {
        this.theImage = thisResult.filename;
    }, (err:any) => {
      alert('in getPicture err');
      this.submiting = false;
      this.showAlert("Couldn't Get Photo", err);

  onSubmit(form) {
    // Submit the item to YHistory
    if (this.latitude == ''){
      this.showAlert('Incompatible Image', 'The image you selected does not have location information. Only images with location and date information can be submitted.');

    if (form.valid) {
      if (this.submitMediaItem.title) this.title = this.submitMediaItem.title + ' ';

      // Add category tags to end of title/description
      if (this.event) {
        this.title = this.title + '[event] ';
      if (this.nature) {
        this.title = this.title + '[nature] ';
      if (this.architecture) {
        this.title = this.title + '[architecture] ';

      this.userID = 1;

      this.platform.ready().then(() => {

        if (this.platform.is('cordova')) {

          var fileURL = this.data;

          // Create http headers then do upload
          // false param prevents application/json being added to headers
          this.djangoAuth.createHeaders(false).then((headers) => {

            var now = Date.now();

            const ft = new Transfer();
            var options:any;
            options = {
              fileKey: "photo",
              fileName: this.userID + '_' + now + '_' + fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1),
              mimeType: "image/jpeg",
              params: {
                user_id: 1, // This is ignored
                title: this.title,
                item_type: 'P',
                latitude: this.latitude,
                longitude: this.longitude,
                timestamp: this.dateTime},
              headers: {}

            options.headers = headers;

            console.log('****** photo.ts: createHeaders() returned headers: '+ JSON.stringify(headers.toJSON()));
            console.log('****** photo.ts: inside createHeaders().then options: '+JSON.stringify(options));

            this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
              content: 'Submitting photo...',
              spinner: 'crescent'

            // Make sure we are never permanently stuck with the loading widget if something goes wrong with server result
            setTimeout(()=> {
            }, 36000);

            ft.upload(this.data, encodeURI(API_ENDPOINT + 'photoupload/'), options, true)
              .then((result: any) => {
                this.submiting = false; // Clear submitted flag
                // Signify photo submission was successful
                let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
                  title: 'Done!',
                  subTitle: 'Your photo was been uploaded and is now waiting to be approved (this can take up to 3 days). Thank you for contributing to the World Image Archive.',
                  buttons: [
                      text: 'Ok',
                      handler: data => {
              .catch((error: any) => {
                console.log('****** PhotoPage: image upload failed with error:'+JSON.stringify(error));
                this.showAlert('Problem Uploading Image', 'Image upload failed');
                this.submiting = false; // Clear submitted flag

  showPageInstructions() {
    this.showInstructions = true;
    //this.storage.set(this.DONE_PHOTOS_POPUP, true);

    this.showInstructions = false;

    let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
      title: 'Terms and Conditions',
      subTitle: "You must not upload any images which are illegal, are offensive, or violate the copyright of others. " +
      "Persistant submission of images which violate these rules will result in your account being terminated.",
      buttons: ['Ok']

  categoryHelp() {
    this.showAlert('Image Types','<br />Please select one or more of the following image types:<br /><br />Event (e.g. concerts, earthquakes, riots, weddings, protests, birthday parties, floods, ...)' +
      '<br /><br />Nature (e.g. landscape, sea, fields, rivers, mountains, ...)' +
      '<br /><br />Architecture (e.g. buildings, bridges, roads, all large man made structures...)');

  showAlert(title, subtitle) {
    let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
      title: title,
      subTitle: subtitle,
      buttons: ['Ok']

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