
时间:2016-10-14 16:51:05

标签: linq

我正在尝试从Dictionary中加载值列表。我可以遍历列表和 获取值,但获取InvalidCastException

  Additional information: Unable to cast object of type 
  'WhereListIterator`1[PumpTubing.Tubing]' to type 'PumpTubing.Tubing'.


Dim tb2 As List(Of Tubing) = pd.pumps.Values.
                                Select(Function(f) f.
                                Where(Function(t) t.Tube.Equals("Tube3"))).
                                Cast(Of Tubing)().ToList()




Module Module1

Private pd As New PumpData

Sub Main()


    ' This works and returns a a List with 3 entries
    Dim tb1 As New List(Of Tubing)
    For Each x As KeyValuePair(Of Pumps, List(Of Tubing)) In pd.pumps
        For Each t As Tubing In x.Value
            If t.Tube.Equals("Tube3") Then tb1.Add(t)

    ' The following throws an InvalidCastExcption:
    ' Additional information: Unable to cast object of type 
    ' 'WhereListIterator`1[PumpTubing.Tubing]' to type 'PumpTubing.Tubing'.
    Dim tb2 As List(Of Tubing) = pd.pumps.Values.
                                    Select(Function(f) f.
                                    Where(Function(t) t.Tube.Equals("Tube3"))).
                                    Cast(Of Tubing)().ToList()

End Sub

Private Sub LoadTestData()

    pd.pumps.Add(New Pumps With {.Model = "Pump1", .MaxFlowRate = 300},
                                New List(Of Tubing) From {New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube1", .VPR = 1.1},
                                                          New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube2", .VPR = 1.2}})
    pd.pumps.Add(New Pumps With {.Model = "Pump2", .MaxFlowRate = 400},
                        New List(Of Tubing) From {New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube3", .VPR = 1.3},
                                                  New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube4", .VPR = 1.4}})
    pd.pumps.Add(New Pumps With {.Model = "Pump3", .MaxFlowRate = 500},
                        New List(Of Tubing) From {New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube5", .VPR = 1.1},
                                                  New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube6", .VPR = 1.2}})
    pd.pumps.Add(New Pumps With {.Model = "Pump4", .MaxFlowRate = 600},
                        New List(Of Tubing) From {New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube3", .VPR = 1.33},
                                                  New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube7", .VPR = 1.4}})
    pd.pumps.Add(New Pumps With {.Model = "Pump5", .MaxFlowRate = 700},
                        New List(Of Tubing) From {New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube1", .VPR = 1.15},
                                                  New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube8", .VPR = 1.2}})
    pd.pumps.Add(New Pumps With {.Model = "Pump6", .MaxFlowRate = 800},
                        New List(Of Tubing) From {New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube3", .VPR = 1.35},
                                                  New Tubing With {.Tube = "Tube9", .VPR = 1.4}})

End Sub

End Module


Public Class Pumps
    Property Model As String
    Property MaxFlowRate As Integer
End Class

Public Class Tubing
    Property Tube As String
    Property VPR As Decimal
End Class

Public Class PumpData
    Property pumps As New Dictionary(Of Pumps, List(Of Tubing))
End Class

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Dim tb2 As List(Of Tubing) = pd.pumps.Values.
                            SelectMany(Function(f) f.
                            Where(Function(t) t.Tube.Equals("Tube3"))).
                            Cast(Of Tubing)().ToList()