Unity C#:在加载新场景时销毁对象

时间:2016-10-15 16:55:31

标签: c# unity3d unity5


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

In the Start function of the Timer, find the objects holding the script and check if there are more than two of these objects :

private void Start()
      Timer[] timers = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Timer)) as Timer[];
      if( timers.Length > 1 )
         Destroy( gameObject ) ;

The timer already in the scene because of the DontDestroyOnLoad won't call the Start function (since it is called only once in the life cycle of the script), thus, it won't be destroyed

答案 1 :(得分:1)

You have two options.

You can call Destroy(gameObject); or DestroyImmediate() in your timer script. It will Destroy that timer script and GameObject.

Another option is to have a function that will stop the timer then reset timer variables to its default value. This is good in terms of memory management on mobile devices.

public class Timer: MonoBehaviour
    public void StopAndResetTimer()
        //Stop Timer

        //Reset Timer variables

    public void DestroyTimer()
        // DestroyImmediate(gameObject);

Then in your Main Menu script

public class MainMenu: MonoBehaviour

    Timer timerScript;
    void Start()
        timerScript = GameObject.Find("GameObjectTimerIsAttachedTo").GetComponent<Timer>();

        //Or option 2