
时间:2016-10-18 06:21:54

标签: sql-server tsql case


CASE when location LIKE '%gov%' THEN REPLACE <gov with govt>
     when location LIKE '%primery%' THEN REPLACE <primery with primary>

例如:我需要&#39; gov primery skool&#39;成为政府小学&#39;。大约有40个这样的单词需要使用正确的条目进行更新。因此,对这些单词的每一个组合进行操作都不会扩大规模。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




TextValue             | NewTextValue
gov primery skool     | govt primary school
Not so incorect name  | Not so incorrect name
-- Create data to use.
declare @Data table (TextValue nvarchar(50));
declare @Lookup table (IncorrectValue nvarchar(50),CorrectValue nvarchar(50));

insert into @Data values
 ('gov primery skool')
,('Not so incorect name');

insert into @Lookup values

-- Actual query.
if object_id('tempdb..#DataRN') is not null
drop table #DataRN;

create table #DataRN (rn int
                        ,cnt int
                        ,cntrn int
                        ,TextValue nvarchar(50)
                        ,IncorrectValue nvarchar(50)
                        ,CorrectValue nvarchar(50)

-- Create temp table that holds source data as well as some Row Numbers and Counts by TextValue to determine what order to retreive rows and to know which is the final row to pull out at the end.
insert into #DataRN
select row_number() over (order by d.TextValue, l.IncorrectValue, l.CorrectValue) as rn     -- Provides order to select rows in cte below.
    ,row_number() over (partition by d.TextValue
                        order by d.TextValue, l.IncorrectValue, l.CorrectValue) as cntrn    -- Provides ordering within each TextValue, to be compared with 
    ,count(*) over (partition by d.TextValue) as cnt                                        -- The total number of rows returned to complete all REPLACEs on the TextValue to find the last, and therefore complete, NewTextValue in cte.
from @Data d
        left join @Lookup l
            on(d.TextValue like '%' + l.IncorrectValue + '%');

-- Recursive cte to apply each find and replace in order.
with cte as
    select d.rn
            ,cast(replace(d.TextValue,d.IncorrectValue,d.CorrectValue) as nvarchar(50)) as NewTextValue
    from #DataRN d
    where rn = 1

    union all

    select d.rn
            ,cast(replace(case when d.TextValue = c.TextValue
                                then c.NewTextValue
                                else d.TextValue
                            ) as nvarchar(50)) as NewTextValue
    from #DataRN d
        inner join cte c
            on(d.rn = c.rn+1)
select TextValue
from cte
where cnt = cntrn   -- Where these two values are the same, we know that is the finished product.
order by 1;

if object_id('tempdb..#DataRN') is not null
drop table #DataRN;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您需要使用 CASE 子句更新语句。

UPDATE YourTabel  
SET     YourField=  CASE  
                        WHEN YourField= 'gov primery skool' THEN 'Government primary school' 
                        WHEN YourField= 'ABC' THEN 'XYZ'
                        ELSE YourField

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您可以在案例陈述中使用 OR 条件。

    update TableName
    set Field = case when fieldname='gov primery skool' or fieldname='gov skool primery' then 'Government primary school'
    else fieldname end