
时间:2016-10-19 11:58:25

标签: sql oracle



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

This type of problem has a beautiful and very efficient solution - no joins, no MINUS operations etc., and only one pass over ALL_TAB_COLUMNS, which may be a very large table. It was first proposed by Marco Stefanelli (if I remember the name correctly) on AskTom several years ago, it was refined there and it has become the standard for table comparisons.

I don't have two different databases to play with, so I will just illustrate how I can compare tables in different schemas. You will need to adapt for your situation (you may have to read from USER_TAB_COLUMNS in both databases.)

In this case, we select table owner, table name, and column names, data types and other characteristics; we GROUP BY column name and all those column properties; and we select only the rows HAVING COUNT(*) = 1. Indeed, if a column has the same name AND all the same characteristics in both tables, then the count will be 2 and there will be no corresponding row in the output. The output will show a row (corresponding to a column name + properties in one or both of the original tables) only if: the column name appears only in one table but not in the other; OR if the column name appears in both tables but at least one of the properties is different. Try to spot the differences in the final output below!

As you will see, in the solution I need to select max(owner) and max(table_name) - since I don't group by those columns - but in fact I select only the groups that have exactly one row, so the max() really has no effect.

Setup: I make a copy of the EMP table from the SCOTT schema in my own "sandbox" (a schema I created for myself, named INTRO). I create the copy with a CTAS - this will copy all the column names and datatypes (including size/precision/scale as the case may be), but for example it does NOT copy 'not null' constraints. So I include the nullable column from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS to catch such differences. I select only the table structure, no data, by using an "always false" WHERE filter.

create table empl as select * from scott.emp where 0 is null;
Table EMPL created.

alter table empl drop column comm;
Table EMPL altered.

alter table empl add sex char(1);
Table EMPL altered.

alter table empl modify job varchar2(20);
Table EMPL altered.

alter table empl modify deptno not null;
Table EMPL altered.

So now I have:

describe scott.emp

Name     Null     Type         
-------- -------- ------------ 
ENAME             VARCHAR2(10) 
JOB               VARCHAR2(9)  
MGR               NUMBER(4)    
HIREDATE          DATE         
SAL               NUMBER(7,2)  
COMM              NUMBER(7,2)  
DEPTNO            NUMBER(2) 

describe intro.empl

Name     Null     Type         
-------- -------- ------------ 
EMPNO             NUMBER(4)    
ENAME             VARCHAR2(10) 
JOB               VARCHAR2(20) 
MGR               NUMBER(4)    
HIREDATE          DATE         
SAL               NUMBER(7,2)  
SEX               CHAR(1)

Solution (query to compare the two tables):

select   max(owner) as owner, max(table_name) as table_name,
         column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable
from     all_tab_columns
where    (owner = 'SCOTT' and table_name = 'EMP')
   or    (owner = 'INTRO' and table_name = 'EMPL')
group by column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable
having   count(*) = 1
order by column_name, owner, table_name;


----- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- -------------- ---------- --------
SCOTT EMP        COMM        NUMBER             22              7          2        Y
INTRO EMPL       DEPTNO      NUMBER             22              2          0        N
SCOTT EMP        DEPTNO      NUMBER             22              2          0        Y
INTRO EMPL       EMPNO       NUMBER             22              4          0        Y
SCOTT EMP        EMPNO       NUMBER             22              4          0        N
INTRO EMPL       JOB         VARCHAR2           20                                  Y
SCOTT EMP        JOB         VARCHAR2            9                                  Y
INTRO EMPL       SEX         CHAR                1                                  Y

答案 1 :(得分:0)



create table t1(a number, b varchar2(16), c date, d clob);
create table t2(a number, b varchar2(99), c timestamp, d clob);


select db1.column_name, db1.table_name, db2.table_name
from all_tab_columns db1
     inner join all_tab_columns db2
       on (db1.owner = db2.owner
           and db1.column_name = db2.column_name)       
where db1.table_name = 'T1'
  and db2.table_name = 'T2'
  and (
           db1.data_type != db2.data_type
        OR db1.data_length != db2.data_length

COLUMN_NAME                    TABLE_NAME                     TABLE_NAME
-------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
B                          T1                         T2
C                          T1                         T2


请注意,这只考虑两个表中存在的名称相同但类型不同的列; thi不会处理具有不同名称的列或仅存在于一个表中的列的情况