部署.NET Web应用程序时会发生什么?

时间:2016-10-19 13:19:59

标签: c# iis deployment


使用Java作业,ant构建过程创建了一个包含.war文件和其他对象的.ear文件。通过将该文件复制到JBoss / tomcat服务器中的目录中来部署该.ear文件。我对这个过程了如指掌。

通过C#工作,我按下一个绿色三角形"播放"在Visual Studio中按钮,应用程序被编译并以某种方式部署到IIS,然后Visual Studio启动指向应用程序URL的Web浏览器。在此过程中,我并不完全了解幕后发生的事情。我们有一个构建服务器,可以创建生产服务器的生产构建,但我不了解a)构建过程产生了什么工件,以及b)如何将这些构建工件部署到IIS。


2 个答案:

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What happens when you hit Run (the green triangle) is probably not the best example, because it is using a specialized form of IIS (sometimes called Cassini) hosted within Visual Studio with a debugger attached.

To get a clearer picture of what happens when deploying, use the Publish tool to deploy to a folder on your desktop. In that folder you will see what is essentially the web root. Your project, minus any code files, and a bin directory with the compiled binaries.

Typically only static files such as html, css, and png, etc. will be deployed, while any code files won't. By default Visual Studio "knows" which files to build into the binary, and which to simply copy to the output folder (and which to ignore). But you can change this in cases where you need to override that behavior, or you have a file type VS doesn't know about. In your solution explorer, right click on a file, select properties. In the properties window for that file you'll see "build action", which shows what VS will do with that file.

Hope that helps.

答案 1 :(得分:1)




如果您正在使用ASP.NET Web应用程序,那么在发布之前应该编译它。所有编译操作都由MSBuild - 命令行实用程序执行到buld .net项目。但MSBuild如何理解,应该如何构建以及以何种方式构建?简单 - 有MSBuild指令的特殊文件 - 是解决方案文件(例如如何从命令行"C:\...\MSBuild.exe" /maxcpucount:10 MyAwesomeSolution.sln构建项目)。解决方案文件包含对项目文件的引用(以及项目的构建顺序等),项目文件包含对文件的引用,包括在项目中(以及项目类型 - 库/控制台/ web应用程序/等,框架版本和操作)每个文件 - 构建/内容/资源等)。如果某个文件未包含在项目中,则会被忽略。


因此,当我们使用某个CI服务器时,编译我们的解决方案足以在CI服务器上运行MSBuild并提供解决方案的路径。 Ofcource,要通过CI发布已编译的解决方案,应编写其他脚本(到cpy文件等)。

