在Mac OS X Sierra上运行时出现警告

时间:2016-10-20 17:19:23

标签: homebrew macos-sierra meld


Couldn't bind the translation domain. Some translations won't work.
'module' object has no attribute 'bindtextdomain'
2016-10-20 10:14:08.422 Python[22212:158273] *** WARNING: Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. Use convertRectToBacking: instead.

(meld:22212): Gdk-WARNING **: GdkQuartzDisplay does not implement the monitor vfuncs



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Homebrew只是MacOS的包管理器。与Linux不同,Mac并不总是拥有开箱即用的所有外部库,例如wget,pip等。 Homebrew试图弥合这一差距。


让事情与brew update保持同步非常重要,然后运行brew doctorbrew prune也为我解决了很多问题。

如果所有其他方法都失败了,那么自制软件似乎已经将自制公式从自制/核心移动到了caskroom / cask。所以我记得在运行brew doctor并更新Xcode后运行以下命令

$ brew uninstall meld
$ brew install meld
Error: No available formula with the name "meld"
It was migrated from homebrew/core to caskroom/cask.
You can access it again by running:
brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew cask install meld
==> Downloading https://github.com/yousseb/meld/releases/download/osx-9/meldmerge.dmg
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Verifying checksum for Cask meld
==> Moving App 'Meld.app' to '/Applications/Meld.app'.
==> Linking Binary 'Meld' to '/usr/local/bin/meld'.
  meld was successfully installed!