While loop working only once inside for each php

时间:2016-10-20 20:00:57

标签: php html loops foreach while-loop

This is my Code. I know, the while loop will work only once. But foreach does not loop after fetching one value, i.e if I am selecting 3 checkboxes. Only one will pass the values.

$connect = @mysql_connect("localhost","***","***") or die (" this error");
mysql_select_db("edu_info")or die ("database does not exist"); 

          foreach($_POST["list"] as $list=> $val)  

$query=mysql_query("select * from students where id='$val' limit 1");

echo $user;
echo $number;
echo $name;
echo $pname;

This is my checkbox in html. The number of checkboxes is not fixed, it depends upon the query.Code below is just to get multiple checkboxes

        <input type="checkbox" name="list[]" value="<?php echo $id; ?>

Why is foreach not fetching values from all the selected checkboxes. Please help. Thanks in advance. :)

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