
时间:2016-10-24 09:36:35

标签: apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api


1.Topic wise monitoring - to get incoming rate of topic , lag in a topic, number of active consumers attached with the topic, number of partitions
2.Consumer based monitoring - the topic from which it is consuming,consumption speed. a number of messages consumed.
3.Message-Based Monitoring - topic name in which message is produced,and status of message i.e whether it's processed or pending.

我尝试了各种监控工具,如(KafkaOffsetMonitor,Burrow),但没有一个与我的用例匹配。所以有人可以建议如何设置这种监控系统吗?。有可用的API,我可以通过它来获得上述 - 提到的细节

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看看这个great blog about monitoring Kafka,大多数有关监控Kafka的工具和文章都在那里进行了总结。