
时间:2016-10-24 20:24:07

标签: loops for-loop cmd split


if %time:~8,1% EQU "" echo Less than 8 characters


set "AN1=Little String"
set "AN2=Along String More Character"
set "AN3=Extra String With A Lot Character"
set "AN3=SmallSt"
for /l %%A IN (1,1,28) DO (
    If Not !AN%%!:~8,1 EQU "" (echo String has Less than 8 characters) ELSE (
    If Not !AN%%!:~16,1 EQU "" (echo String has Less than 16 characters) ELSE (
    If Not !AN%%!:~24,1 EQU "" (echo String has Less than 24 characters) ELSE (

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


关键是:set V=!AN%%A%!。这允许从另一个“生成”变量名称。 EnableDelayedExpansion部分对于能够使用除%之外的其他分隔符非常有用:!否则嵌套会失败。


@echo off

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "AN1=Little String"
set "AN2=Along String More Character"
set "AN3=Extra String With A Lot Character"
set "AN4=SmallSt"
set "AN5=Along String More "

for /l %%A IN (1,1,5) DO (

    set V=!AN%%A%!

    If "!V:~8,1!"=="" (echo "!V!" String has Less than 8 characters) else (
    If "!V:~16,1!"=="" (echo "!V!" String has Less than 16 characters) else (
    If "!V:~24,1!"=="" (echo "!V!" String has Less than 24 characters)


"Little String" String has Less than 16 characters
"SmallSt" String has Less than 8 characters
"Along String More " String has Less than 24 characters