如何检测天气端点(KAA SDK)是否与应用程序连接到KAA服务器

时间:2016-10-26 04:40:06

标签: kaa

是否有任何机制或方法或步骤来检测从应用程序到KAA服务器的端点(KAA SDK)连接。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



下面您可以看到Java SDK的代码示例。

  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.DesktopKaaPlatformContext;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.Kaa;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.KaaClient;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.SimpleKaaClientStateListener;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.channel.failover.FailoverDecision;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.channel.failover.FailoverStatus;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.channel.failover.strategies.DefaultFailoverStrategy;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.exceptions.KaaRuntimeException;
  import org.slf4j.Logger;
  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

  import java.io.IOException;
  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

  * A demo application that shows how to use the Kaa credentials API.
  public class CredentialsDemo {
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CredentialsDemo.class);
  private static KaaClient kaaClient;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {

  LOG.info("Demo application started");

  try {

  // Create a Kaa client and add a startup listener
  kaaClient = Kaa.newClient(new DesktopKaaPlatformContext(), new SimpleKaaClientStateListener() {
  public void onStarted() {
  LOG.info("Kaa client started");
  }, true);

  kaaClient.setFailoverStrategy(new CustomFailoverStrategy());

  // ... Do some work ...

  LOG.info("Stopping application.");

  } catch (KaaRuntimeException e) {
  LOG.info("Cannot connect to server - no credentials found.");
  LOG.info("Stopping application.");


  // Give a possibility to manage device behavior when it loses connection
  // or has other problems dealing with Kaa server.
  private static class CustomFailoverStrategy extends DefaultFailoverStrategy {

  public FailoverDecision onFailover(FailoverStatus failoverStatus) {
  LOG.info("Failover happen. Failover type: " + failoverStatus);

  // See enum DefaultFailoverStrategy from package org.kaaproject.kaa.client.channel.failover
  // to list all possible values
  switch (failoverStatus) {
  LOG.info("Current Bootstrap server is not available. Trying connect to another one.");

  // ... Do some recovery, send notification messages, etc. ...

  // Trying to connect to another bootstrap node one-by-one every 5 seconds
  return new FailoverDecision(FailoverDecision.FailoverAction.USE_NEXT_BOOTSTRAP, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  return super.onFailover(failoverStatus);




  package org.kaaproject.kaa.examples.credentials.kaa;

  import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.ApplicationDto;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.admin.AuthResultDto;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.credentials.CredentialsStatus;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.examples.credentials.utils.IOUtils;
  import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.admin.AdminClient;
  import org.slf4j.Logger;
  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

  import java.util.List;

  public class KaaAdminManager {

  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KaaAdminManager.class);

  private static final int DEFAULT_KAA_PORT = 8080;
  private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Credentials demo";

  public String tenantAdminUsername = "admin";
  public String tenantAdminPassword = "admin123";

  private AdminClient adminClient;

  public KaaAdminManager(String sandboxIp) {
  this.adminClient = new AdminClient(sandboxIp, DEFAULT_KAA_PORT);

  // ...

  * Check credentials status for getting information
  * @return credential status
  public void checkCredentialsStatus() {
  LOG.info("Enter endpoint ID:");

  // Reads endpoint ID (aka "endpoint key hash") from user input
  String endpointId = IOUtils.getUserInput().trim();

  LOG.info("Getting credentials status...");
  try {
  ApplicationDto app = getApplicationByName(APPLICATION_NAME);
  String appToken = app.getApplicationToken();

  // CredentialsStatus can be: AVAILABLE, IN_USE, REVOKED
  // if endpoint is not found on Kaa server, exception will be thrown
  CredentialsStatus status = adminClient.getCredentialsStatus(appToken, endpointId);
  LOG.info("Credentials for endpoint ID = {} are now in status: {}", endpointId, status.toString());
  } catch (Exception e) {
  LOG.error("Get credentials status for endpoint ID = {} failed. Error: {}", endpointId, e.getMessage());

  * Get application object by specified application name
  private ApplicationDto getApplicationByName(String applicationName) {

  try {
  List<ApplicationDto> applications = adminClient.getApplications();
  for (ApplicationDto application : applications) {
  if (application.getName().trim().equals(applicationName)) {
  return application;
  } catch (Exception e) {
  LOG.error("Exception has occurred: " + e.getMessage());
  return null;

  * Checks authorization and log in
  private void checkAuthorizationAndLogin() {
  if (!checkAuth()) {
  adminClient.login(tenantAdminUsername, tenantAdminPassword);

  * Do authorization check
  * @return true if user is authorized, false otherwise
  private boolean checkAuth() {
  AuthResultDto.Result authResult = null;
  try {
  authResult = adminClient.checkAuth().getAuthResult();
  } catch (Exception e) {
  LOG.error("Exception has occurred: " + e.getMessage());
  return authResult == AuthResultDto.Result.OK;


您可以在GitHub上的Kaa KaaAdminManager Credentials Demo Applicationsample-apps project课程中查看更多使用AdminClient的示例。


  1. Kaa NotificationsKaa Data Collection功能结合使用。服务器向端点发送特定的单播通知(使用端点ID),然后端点回复发送具有数据收集功能的数据。服务器稍等一会,检查端点的最后一个appender记录(通常在数据库中)的时间戳(按端点ID)。所有消息都是异步的,因此您必须根据您的实际环境选择响应等待时间。
  2. 仅使用Kaa Data Collection功能。该方法更简单但具有某些性能缺陷。如果您的端点必须按照他们的性质(测量传感器等)向Kaa服务器发送数据,则可以使用它。端点只是定期向服务器发送数据。当服务器需要检查端点是否为&#34;在线&#34;时,它查询保存的数据日志(通常是数据库)以通过端点ID(密钥哈希)获取最后一条记录并分析时间戳字段。
  3. *要有效使用Kaa Data Collection功能,您必须在所选Log appender的设置中添加此类元数据(在Kaa Admin UI中):&#34; Endpoint key hash&#34; (与&#34;端点ID&#34;相同),&#34;时间戳&#34;。这将自动将所需字段添加到从端点接收的每个日志记录中。

答案 1 :(得分:0)
