WCF服务 - 返回具有类名

时间:2016-11-08 11:38:16

标签: c# asp.net wcf

我正在创建WCF Web服务


        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "DocumentDispatchPolicyNo", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)]
        List<DispatchDocument> DocumentDispatchPolicyNoPost(string CorrelationID, string PolicyNumber);


public List<DispatchDocument> DocumentDispatchPolicyNoPost(string CorrelationID, string PolicyNumber)
            List<DispatchDocument> RInfo = new List<DispatchDocument>();
            return RInfo;


{     “添加”:“ASHIRWAD-59第4层,平板4-B TC ROAD,新ALI PUR KOLKATA 700053 Pin-WEST BENGA”,     “ChequeAmount”:“0.00”,     “ChequeDate”:“”,     “支票号码”: ””,     “部门”:“POS”,     “DispatchDate”:“2016年10月27日”,     “DispatchID”:“2_118629”,     “DispatchMode”:“I-POST”,     “DispatchStatus”:“SENT”,     “DispatchType”:“直接向客户”,     “信息”: ””,     “PODNumber”:“”,     “收到的日期”: ””,     “状态”:“成功”,     “票号”: ””   }


{ 的 DocumentDispatch : [   {     '添加':'ASHIRWAD-59第4层,平4-B TC路,新ALI PUR KOLKATA 700053 Pin-WEST BENGA',     'ChequeAmount':'0.00',     'ChequeDate':'',     '支票号码': '',     '部门':'POS',     'DispatchDate':'27 -Oct-2016',     'DispatchID':'2_118629',     'DispatchMode':'I-POST',     'DispatchStatus':'SENT',     'DispatchType':'直接面向客户',     '信息': '',     'PODNumber':'',     '收到的日期': '',     '状态':'成功',     '票号': ''   }] }

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


class ImageManager: NSObject {
    static let shared = ImageManager()
    private var imageDownloader: ImageDownloader!
    private var imageCache: AutoPurgingImageCache!

    // Configuration
    var maximumActiveDownloads = 5
    var placeholderImage: UIImage!
    var imageTransitionDuration: NSTimeInterval = 0.5

    // The total memory capacity of the cache in MB.
    var memoryCapacity: UInt64 = 150

    //The preferred memory usage after purge in MB. During a purge, images will be purged until the memory capacity drops below this limit.
    var memoryUsageAfterPurge: UInt64 = 60

    private override init() {

        imageCache = AutoPurgingImageCache(
            memoryCapacity: memoryCapacity * 1024 * 1024,
            preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge: memoryUsageAfterPurge * 1024 * 1024

        imageDownloader = ImageDownloader(
            configuration: ImageDownloader.defaultURLSessionConfiguration(),
            downloadPrioritization: .FIFO,
            maximumActiveDownloads: maximumActiveDownloads,
            imageCache: imageCache

        UIImageView.af_sharedImageDownloader = imageDownloader

    func setImageOrPlaceholder(onImageView imageView: UIImageView, stringURL: String?) {
        guard let correctURL = NSURL.getURL(fromString: stringURL) else {
            //debug("URL incorrect!: \(stringURL)", isError: true)

            imageView.image = placeholderImage

        let imageTransition: UIImageView.ImageTransition = .CrossDissolve(imageTransitionDuration)

                                     placeholderImage: placeholderImage,
                                     filter: nil,
                                     imageTransition: imageTransition,
                                     completion: { response in
                                        //          debug("\(response.result.value)")
    } }


  public class DocumentDispatchObject
    public List<DispatchDocument> DocumentDispatch