What is the best way to import js and css using CodeIgniter?

时间:2016-11-09 06:56:58

标签: codeigniter

Its my first project using CodeIgniter and it is not as easy as it seems.

I have to import different JSs and CSSs in different pages and I'm stuck.

First of all, I've seen that hardcoding echos are not CI way of doing it so I made a simple class like

    defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

    class Fileload {

            public function loadjs($filename)
                echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$filename.'"></script>';
            public function loadcss($filename)
                echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$filename.'" >';

And in my controller I used it like

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Main extends CI_Controller {

     * Index Page for this controller.
     * Maps to the following URL
     *      http://example.com/index.php/welcome
     *  - or -
     *      http://example.com/index.php/welcome/index
     *  - or -
     * Since this controller is set as the default controller in
     * config/routes.php, it's displayed at http://example.com/
     * So any other public methods not prefixed with an underscore will
     * map to /index.php/welcome/<method_name>
     * @see https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/general/urls.html
    public function index()


But the slick library supposed to be at the bottom right above the 'tail' is at the top inside of head> tag, which is inside view('head');

It seems that the controllers' methods are not running in the sequence I've wrote it down. It should've echoed the script file first.

Can anybody explain how this CodeIgniter controller works??

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以做的另一件事是将刀片模板解析器实现到CodeIgniter中。刀片将允许创建部分,这样,包含特定于页面的脚本将更容易/更清晰。 https://github.com/PhiloNL/Laravel-Blade是您可以获得它的地方。请注意,你也必须使用作曲家。

答案 1 :(得分:0)





    foreach($css as $script):?>
           <link rel="stylesheet" href='<?php echo base_url()."bydcss/".$script;?>'>
    <?php endforeach;
    if(isset($csscdn)){  foreach($csscdn as $script):?>
           <link rel="stylesheet" href='<?php echo $script;?>'>
        <?php endforeach;

for head.php

    foreach($js as $script):?>
       <script type='text/javascript' src = '<?php echo base_url()."bydjs/".$script;?>'></script>
    <?php endforeach;
    if(isset($jscdn)){  foreach($jscdn as $script):?>
       <script type='text/javascript' src = '<?php echo $script;?>'></script>
    <?php endforeach;

for tail.php
