
时间:2010-10-30 01:01:15

标签: applescript itunes




5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


tell application "iTunes"
move first track of playlist "foo" to end of playlist "foo"
end tell


答案 1 :(得分:1)

由于您对Philip Regan的帖子发表评论,我在iTunes中查看了移动命令,并说这是用于移动播放列表,所以它对您没有帮助。但是,您可以执行此操作,这将基本上在当前播放列表中重新创建播放列表顺序。




-- this is only tested on music tracks, not apps or books etc.
-- do not use this code on your main music library

-- this will sort the selected tracks
-- insert sorting code here: DO YOUR SORTING HERE
-- now the sorting code just reverses the order of the selection

-- it works by getting references of the songs in your playlist from the main library, sorting that,
-- then deleting the tracks from the current playlist and recreating the playlist from the references

tell application "iTunes"
    -- get the selection
    set selectedTracks to the selection
    set selectionCount to count of selectedTracks
    if selectionCount is 0 then
        error "Error: Nothing is selected!"
    else if selectionCount is 1 then
        error "Error: There is nothing to sort because only 1 item is selected!"
    end if

    -- store the player state
        set currentPlaylist to current playlist
    on error
        set currentPlaylist to current playlist
    end try
        set currentTrack to current track
        set currentTrackID to persistent ID of currentTrack
        set currentTime to player position
        set currentState to player state
    on error
        set currentState to false
    end try

    -- are we in the right type of playlist?
    if (special kind of currentPlaylist is not none) or (smart of currentPlaylist) then
        error ("Error: we cannot use this code on playlist " & name of currentPlaylist & "!")
    end if

    -- is the selection in the current playlist?
    set firstSelectedTrack to item 1 of selectedTracks
    set firstSelectedTrackID to persistent ID of firstSelectedTrack
        first track of currentPlaylist whose persistent ID is firstSelectedTrackID
    on error
        error "Error: the selected tracks are not in the current playlist, so this code won't work!"
    end try

    -- are we dealing with music tracks?
    if class of firstSelectedTrack is not file track then error "Error: this code is only tested on music file tracks!"

    (****** DO YOUR SORTING HERE *********)
    -- sort your selected tracks in a list however you need
    -- in this case I'm just reversing the order for simplicity
    set sortedSelection to reverse of selectedTracks

    -- figure out the index of the first selected track out of the entire playlist
    set playlistTracks to tracks of currentPlaylist
    repeat with i from 1 to count of playlistTracks
        if (item i of playlistTracks) is firstSelectedTrack then exit repeat
    end repeat

    -- now we make one big list of the sorted playlist
    set tracksBeforeSelection to {}
    set tracksAfterSelection to {}
        set tracksBeforeSelection to items 1 thru (i - 1) of playlistTracks
    end try
        set tracksAfterSelection to items (i + selectionCount) thru end of playlistTracks
    end try
    set finalTrackList to tracksBeforeSelection & sortedSelection & tracksAfterSelection

    -- now we get references to all these tracks from the main library so we can delete the playlist and reorganize it
    set finalTrackListRefs to {}
    repeat with aTrack in finalTrackList
        set trackID to persistent ID of aTrack
        set refTrack to (first track of library playlist 1 whose persistent ID is trackID)
        set end of finalTrackListRefs to refTrack
    end repeat

    -- remove all the tracks from the playlist
    delete tracks of currentPlaylist

    -- put the playlist back in the new order
    repeat with aTrack in finalTrackListRefs
        duplicate aTrack to currentPlaylist
    end repeat

    -- restore the player state
    if currentState is playing then
        play (first track of currentPlaylist whose persistent ID is currentTrackID)
        set player position to currentTime
    end if
end tell

答案 2 :(得分:1)


该脚本会创建一个XML文件,例如从 iTunes 导出播放列表。 当脚本完成创建XML文件后,它会在iTunes中导入文件,iTunes会创建另一个具有相同名称的智能播放列表,脚本会切换到新的播放列表并删除原始文件。 它也适用于非连续选择。

set b to false
tell application "iTunes"
    set selTracks to selection
    if (count selTracks) < 2 then return my displayAlert("Select 2 or more tracks")
    set selPlaylist to container of item 1 of selTracks
        tell selPlaylist to set b to special kind is none and smart is true
    end try
    if not b then return my displayAlert("Not a smart playlist")
    set {oldFindexing, fixed indexing} to {fixed indexing, false}
    set firstIndex to index of item 1 of selTracks
    set fixed indexing to oldFindexing

    --**** do something with these selections  **********
    set sortedTracks to reverse of selTracks -- ***** This example reverses the order. ********
end tell
my moveSelectedTracks(sortedTracks, selPlaylist, firstIndex)

on moveSelectedTracks(selT, selP, n)
    script o
        property tDataIDs : {}
        property sTracks : selT
        property tArgs2 : {}
    end script
    set L to {}
    set tc to count o's sTracks
    tell application "iTunes"
        set o's tDataIDs to database ID of tracks of selP -- get id of the tracks in the playlist
        set theID to persistent ID of selP
        repeat with i from 1 to tc -- get id of the each sorted track
            set item i of o's sTracks to "<key>" & (get database ID of (item i of o's sTracks)) & "<"
        end repeat
    end tell

    set tc to count o's tDataIDs

    --- make arguments
    repeat with i from 1 to tc
        if i = n then set o's tArgs2 to o's tArgs2 & o's sTracks
        set t to "<key>" & item i of o's tDataIDs & "<"
        if t is not in o's sTracks then set end of o's tArgs2 to t
    end repeat

    set {oTID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, linefeed}
    set o's tArgs2 to o's tArgs2 as text --convert a list to text (one argument per line)
    set text item delimiters to oTID

    set xmlLib to my get_iTunes_Library_xml() -- get path of "iTunes Library.xml"
    set tFile to (path to temporary items as string) & "__xzaTemp_Playlist321__"
    set tempF to quoted form of POSIX path of tFile

    try --- write arguments to a temporary file
        set openfile to open for access file (tFile & ".txt") with write permission
        set eof of openfile to 0
        write (o's tArgs2) to openfile starting at eof
        close access openfile
    on error err
            close access file tFile
        end try
        return my displayAlert("Error when writing to a temporary file.\\n" & err)
    end try

    -- ** create the XML file, grep write the beginning of the xml File
    do shell script "/usr/bin/grep -m1 -B40 '   <dict>' " & xmlLib & " > " & (tempF & ".xml")

    (* append to the xmlFile:
    grep read each argument and search track info in "iTunes Library.xml", perl clean up the output 
    grep search the info of the smart playlist and write it
    sed change all arguments to array of dicts (this will be the order of each track in the playlist)  
    echo write the end of the xml File.
    do shell script "(tmp=" & tempF & ".txt; /usr/bin/grep -A62 -F -f \"$tmp\" " & xmlLib & " |/usr/bin/perl -pe 'undef $/; s|</dict> ((?:(?!</dict>).)*)\\n--|</dict>|sgx; s:</dict>(?!.*</dict>).*|</dict>\\s*</dict>\\s*<key>Playlists</key>.*:</dict>:sx;'; echo '</dict>\\n<key>Playlists</key><array>' ; /usr/bin/grep -m1 -A42 -B3 '>Playlist Persistent ID</key><string>" & theID & "<' " & xmlLib & " | /usr/bin/grep -m1 -B40 '<array>'; /usr/bin/sed 's:$:/integer></dict>:; s:^<key>:<dict><key>Track ID</key><integer>:' \"$tmp\" ; echo '</array></dict></array></dict></plist>') >> " & (tempF & ".xml")

    set tFolder to ""
    set b to false
    tell application "iTunes"
        set {tName, songRepeat} to {name, song repeat} of selP
        add ((tFile & ".xml") as alias) -- import the XML file as Smart Playlist
            set tFolder to parent of selP -- if the smart playlist is in a folder playlist
        end try
        set selP2 to last user playlist whose name is tName and its smart is true -- get the new smart playlist

        if (persistent ID of selP2) is not theID then -- else no importation 
            if tFolder is not "" then move selP2 to tFolder -- move to the folder playlist
            reveal (track n of selP2) -- select the same row in the imported playlist
                tell current track to set {dataID, b} to {database ID, its container = selP}
            end try
            if b then -- the current track is in the smart playlist
                set {tState, tPos} to {player state, player position}
                play (first track of selP2 whose database ID = dataID) -- play the same track
                set player position to (tPos + 0.4) --  same position
                if tState = paused then
                else if tState is stopped then
                end if
                set song repeat of selP2 to songRepeat -- this line doesn't work on iTunes 11
            end if
            delete selP -- delete the smart playlist (the original)
        end if
    end tell
    do shell script "/bin/rm -f " & tempF & "{.txt,.xml} > /dev/null 2>&1 &" -- delete the temp files
end moveSelectedTracks

on get_iTunes_Library_xml()
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults read com.apple.iApps iTunesRecentDatabases |/usr/bin/sed -En 's:^ *\"(.*)\"$:\\1:p' |/usr/bin/perl -MURI -e 'print URI->new(<>)->file;'"
    return quoted form of the result
end get_iTunes_Library_xml

on displayAlert(t)
    display alert t
end displayAlert

此脚本在(Mac OS X 10.4 ... 10.7),(iTunes 7.5 ... 10.6.3)上运行。



Mountain Lion使用FreeBSD's grep代替GNU's grep,FreeBSD的grep在 Mountain Lion 上速度极慢(根据我的阅读速度慢30到100倍),所以这个脚本也会很慢。

Tunes 11 将AppleScript命令分解为song repeat播放列表。 song repeat的值仍可以使用get读取,只是无法设置,因此请在脚本中注释该行。

答案 3 :(得分:1)

这是一个使用GUI Scripting


但根据 iTunes 的版本或操作系统的版本,此类脚本很容易被破坏。 用户必须调整delay(取决于机器的速度)。 用户还必须更改脚本中的本地化标题。

此脚本适用于iTunes 10.6.3Mac OS X 10.5.8,我不知道它是否适用于其他版本。

您必须在Universal Access System首选项窗格中点击标有“启用辅助设备访问权限”的复选框启用Accessibility Frameworks

-- this script work on smart and user playlist
property selPlaylist : missing value
set b to false
tell application "iTunes"
    set oldV to (get version) as string < "11"
    set selTracks to selection
    if (count selTracks) < 2 then return my displayAlert("Select 2 or more tracks")
    set selPlaylist to container of item 1 of selTracks
        if oldV and class of front window is not in {browser window, playlist window} then --- no  playlist window on iTunes 11
            return my displayAlert("The front window is not a browser or a playlist window")
        else if class of front window is not browser window then
            return my displayAlert("The front window is not a browser window")
        end if
        tell selPlaylist
            set b to special kind is none
            set tShuffle to shuffle
            set isSmart to smart
        end tell
    end try
    if not b then return my displayAlert("This script will not work on special playlist")
    if tShuffle then return my displayAlert("This script will not work when shuffle is ON")

    set {sortOK, gridView, liveUpd} to my checkSortCol()
    if gridView then return my displayAlert("This script will not work on Grid View")
    if not sortOK then return my displayAlert("This script will not work when the sort column is not the 'status' column")
    if isSmart and liveUpd then return my displayAlert("You must uncheck the \"Live updating\" case, (Edit your Smart playlist)")

    --**** do something with these selections  **********
    set sortedTracks to reverse of selTracks -- ***** This example reverses the order. ********

    set dataID to database ID of item 1 of sortedTracks
    my moveSelectedTracks(item 1 of selTracks, sortedTracks, (count sortedTracks))
    reveal (track 1 of selPlaylist whose database ID is dataID)
end tell

on moveSelectedTracks(firstTrack, sortedT, n)
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "iTunes"
            repeat with i from 1 to n
                my selectRow(item i of sortedT)
                keystroke "c" using command down --  copy track
                my selectRow(firstTrack)
                keystroke "v" using command down -- paste track
                delay 0.1
                tell front window to if subrole is "AXDialog" then click last button -- close dialog
            end repeat
            my selectRow(firstTrack)
            repeat with i from 1 to n
                keystroke "x" using command down -- cut track
                delay 0.1
                tell front window to if subrole is "AXDialog" then click last button -- close dialog
                delay 0.1
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell
end moveSelectedTracks

on selectRow(i)
    tell application "iTunes" to reveal i
end selectRow

on checkSortCol() -- ****** "status" is the localized title, you need to change it according to your system language ******
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "iTunes"
            if (exists radio group 2 of window 1) then return {true, true, true} -- grid view without outline
            set s to value of attribute "AXSortDirection" of (button "status" of group 1 of outline 1 of (last scroll area of window 1 whose group 1 of outline 1 is not missing value))

            set x to value of attribute "AXMenuItemMarkChar" of menu item 3 of menu of menu bar item 5 of menu bar 1 -- menu "as Grid"          
            set y to not (enabled of menu item 4 of menu of menu bar item 4 of menu bar 1) -- menu "Cut"
        end tell
    end tell
    return {s is not "AXUnknownSortDirection", x is not {"�"}, y}
end checkSortCol

on displayAlert(t)
    display alert t
end displayAlert

您必须取消选中智能播放列表中的“实时更新”,否则脚本将无效,因为已禁用“剪切”菜单项。 完成后你可以重新检查它。

答案 4 :(得分:0)

你不能直接这样做,因为词典显示播放列表中曲目的index属性是get-only,而不是get / set。

