
时间:2016-11-14 02:59:41

标签: swift class watch-os


import Foundation

class PayloadTest{
    var label: String
    init(label:String) {
          self.label = label


import WatchKit
import Foundation

class InterfaceController2: WKInterfaceController {

    var payloadtest = PayloadTest(label: "test string init")

    payloadtest.label = "test" // this line gives error - says it was expecting a declaration


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如评论部分中提到的 dfd ,这是一个范围问题。在许多编程语言中,您只能编写语句(表达式),这些语句不是声明或初始化,也不是函数或方法之外的方法调用。



class PayloadTest{
//The below statement is declaration, which declares label is an property of type string.
  var label: String
  init(label:String) {
//The below statement is an assignment, and it compiles and execute fine as this is inside a init method.
        self.label = label


导入WatchKit 进口基金会

class InterfaceController2: WKInterfaceController {

//The below statement compiles fine even tough it isn't present inside a method coz it is initialization statement.

var payloadtest = PayloadTest(label: "test string init")

//However the compiler complains about the below assignment statement because, this is neither an declaration nor an initialization statement and it should not be outside method.
//So you've to keep this statement inside a method for compiler to stop complaining.

payloadtest.label = "test" // this line gives error - says it was expecting a declaration


payloadtest.label = "test"


请仔细阅读目前的各种范围。 HTH:)

答案 1 :(得分:1)


class InterfaceController2:WKInterfaceController {

var payloadtest = {
    let pt = PayloadTest(label: "test string init")
    pt.label = "test"
    return pt

答案 2 :(得分:1)

您可以尝试在函数中移动该代码。 (Swift 3.0版)

class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {

  var payloadtest = PayloadTest(label: "test string init")

  fileprivate func test() {
    payloadtest.label = "test" // tape this line in a function


答案 3 :(得分:0)

尝试以下代码使用可选类型 -

class PayloadTest {
    var label: String?
    init(label:String) {
        self.label = label

Output with the code.