Elm处理mousemove / write事件处理程序

时间:2016-11-14 15:01:19

标签: svg mousemove elm





type MouseState = Up | Down

type alias Model = {
    mousePosition: Position,
    mouseState: MouseState,
    path: List Position

type Msg = MouseMove Position
    | MouseUp Position
    | MouseDown Position
    | Noop

update: Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
    case msg of 
        MouseMove position -> ({model |
            mousePosition = position,
            path = position :: model.path
        }, Cmd.none)
        MouseUp position -> ({model | mouseState = Up}, Cmd.none)
        MouseDown position -> ({model | mouseState = Down}, Cmd.none)
        _ -> (model, Cmd.none)

subscriptions: Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    Sub.batch [
        -- Mouse.moves MouseMove, -- remove this
        Mouse.ups MouseUp,
        Mouse.downs MouseDown

view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div [] [
        div [] [
            Html.text (
                (toString model.mouseState)
                ++ ", " ++
                (toString model.mousePosition.x)
                ++ ", " ++
                (toString model.mousePosition.y)
        svg [ width "1200", height "1200", viewBox "0 0 1200 1200", on "mousemove" MouseMove] (
            List.map drawPoint model.path


Function `on` is expecting the 2nd argument to be:

    Json.Decode.Decoder a

But it is:

    Position -> Msg

Hint: I always figure out the type of arguments from left to right. If an
argument is acceptable when I check it, I assume it is "correct" in subsequent
checks. So the problem may actually be in how previous arguments interact with
the 2nd.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你需要一个Decoder的信息。您的邮件是MouseMove,来自Position -> Msg的功能。你需要的是签名为Decoder Msg的东西。 on接受事件,因此我们需要使用解码器来获取正确的信息。我不确定您需要哪些X和Y来自JavaScript的MouseEvent,但我们会在此示例中使用layerXlayerY(您可以将其更改为正确的) 。我们可以使用applicatives解决此问题。

import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Json.Decode.Extra as Decode exposing ((|:))

mouseMoveDecoder : Decoder Msg
mouseMoveDecoder =
    Decode.succeed MouseMove
        |: (Decode.succeed Position
            |: (Decode.field "layerX" Decode.int)
            |: (Decode.field "layerY" Decode.int)

svg [ on "mousemove" mouseMoveDecoder ] [ ... ]