
时间:2016-11-14 19:38:35

标签: excel-vba vba excel


Public Function ItemNumber(AnyValueFromAnyCell) As String
End Sub




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Public Function ItemNumber(val As Range) As String
Dim addressOfCell
Dim valueOfCell
    addressOfCell = val.Address 'address of cell
    valueOfCell = val.Value   'value in the cell
End Function

答案 1 :(得分:1)

扩展一点Sorceri's answer above以允许函数从单元格公式或代码中的帮助程序中使用,并显示主要问题中要求的代码的其他部分: / p>

Public Function ItemNumber(arg As Variant) As String
Dim addressOfCell, valueOfCell
Dim rnSource As Range, rnCaller As Range

 On Error Resume Next

 valueOfCell = arg
 set rnSource = IIf(TypeName(arg) = "Range", arg, Nothing)
 addressOfCell = vbNullString
 If Not (rnSource Is Nothing) Then  addressOfCell = rnSource.Address

 Set rnCaller = Application.Caller
 If Not (rnCaller Is Nothing) then
     ' queue task here to change the interior color of the cell calling the function to be executed, as per the following solution:
     ' Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8520732/i-dont-want-my-excel-add-in-to-return-an-array-instead-i-need-a-udf-to-change/8711582#8711582
 End If
End Function

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Dim sAdd as String, val as Variant

sAdd = Selection.Address
val = Selection.Value

Dim sReturn as String
sReturn = ItemNumber(sAdd, val)


Function ItemNumber(sAddress as String, Value) As String
End Function