
时间:2016-11-15 18:32:39

标签: python easygui

ComputerChoice = ""
x = 0
wins = 0
losses = 0
ties = 0
rounds = 0
abc = 0
CurrentStatus = 'started'

Choices = ['Rock','Paper','Scissors']
def computerchoice(ComputerChoice, Choices, UserChoice): #number
          listthing = Choices[:]
          ComputerChoice = random.choice(listthing)
          ComputerChoice = Choices.index(ComputerChoice)
          return ComputerChoice
import easygui
import random
easygui.msgbox( "Hello, This is a standard game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.","Welcome!","Next>>>")

while x == 0:
         UserChoice = easygui.buttonbox(' __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ You just ' +CurrentStatus+ '. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ \n You currently have won '+str(wins)+ ' times, lost ' +str(losses)+' times, and tied '+ str(ties)+' times.  \n\n\nClick your next move: ','Choice Picker 2000',['Rock','Paper','Scissors','Done'])
         UserChoice = ['Rock','Paper','Scissors','Done'].index(UserChoice)
         ComputerChoice = computerchoice(ComputerChoice, Choices, UserChoice)
         if UserChoice == ComputerChoice:
                  ties = ties +1
                  rounds = rounds +1
                  CurrentStatus = "Tied"

         if UserChoice== 3:
                  x = 1

         elif UserChoice > ComputerChoice and UserChoice + ComputerChoice != 4:
                  wins = wins +1
                  rounds = rounds + 1
                  CurrentStatus = "Won"

         elif UserChoice < ComputerChoice and UserChoice + ComputerChoice != 4:
                  losses = losses +1
                  rounds = rounds +1
                  CurrentStatus = "Lost"

         elif UserChoice + ComputerChoice ==4 and UserChoice != ComputerChoice:
                  if Userchoice == 1:
                           score = score +1
                           rounds = rounds +1
                           CurrentStatus = "Won"
                  elif ComputerChoice == 1:
                          losses = losses +1
                          rounds = rounds +1

                          CurrentStatus = "Lost"

result = ["Cool.","Okay.","I am a failure"]
if wins>losses:
         easygui.msgbox("You won "+str(wins)+ " times, lost " +str(losses)+" times, tied "+ str(ties)+ " and won " +str(int(float(wins)/float(rounds)*100))+ "% of the time.","",result[0])
elif wins==losses:
         easygui.msgbox("You won "+str(wins)+ " times, lost " +str(losses)+" times, tied "+ str(ties)+ " and won " +str(int(float(wins)/float(rounds)*100))+ "% of the time.","",result[1])
elif wins<losses:
         easygui.msgbox("You won "+str(wins)+ " times, lost " +str(losses)+" times, tied "+ str(ties)+ " and won " +str(int(float(wins)/float(rounds)*100))+ "% of the time.","",result[2])

当我运行它时它可以正常工作,但是如果按“摇滚”,那么你将永远打败/失败,永远不会赢。如果按“剪刀”,那么你将永远打败/赢,永不输。        我很确定这是同样的问题,但如果有人可以看一下,我会非常感激。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



def userWon(userChoice, computerChoice):
    if (userChoice == (computerChoice + 1 % 3)):
        return True
    if (computerChoice == (userChoice + 1 % 3)):
        return False
    if (computerChoice == userChoice):
        return None

请注意,您的摇滚剪刀清单的顺序是这样的:对于位置c的任何给定选择,选择位于位置c + 1 mod 3的选择。使用它,你可以使用这个帮助函数,如果用户赢了,将返回True,如果丢失则返回False,如果是平局则返回None
