
时间:2016-11-19 05:20:06

标签: c++ copy-constructor copy-initialization


class A
{   public:
    A()         { std::cout << "\ndefault constructor";     }
    A(const A&) { std::cout << "\ncopy constructor";        }
    A(int)      { std::cout << "\nconversion constructor";  }

A a0;           // print default constructor
A a1(a0);       // print copy constructor       note : direct initialization
A a2 = a0;      // print copy constructor       note : copy initialization
A a3(123);      // print conversion constructor     note : direct initialization
A a4 = 123;     // print conversion constructor     note : copy initialization (create a temp object from int)


class A
{   public:
    A()         { std::cout << "\ndefault constructor";     }
    A(A&)       { std::cout << "\ncopy constructor";        }
    A(int)      { std::cout << "\nconversion constructor";  }

A a0;           // print default constructor
A a1(a0);       // print copy constructor       note : direct initialization
A a2 = a0;      // print copy constructor       note : copy initialization
A a3(123);      // print conversion constructor     note : direct initialization
//A a4 = 123;   // compile error

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

A a4 = 123;


A a4 = A(123); // The RHS is a temporary A object.

这适用于第一种情况,因为有一个构造函数以A const&作为参数类型。

如果参数类型为A&,则不起作用。参数类型为A const&时,可以使用临时对象,而不是A&时。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

对于案例A a4 = 123;,当构造对象“a4”时,语句

A a4 = 123;


A a4 = A(123);

在上面的语句中,一个参数构造函数,即A(int)用于将整数值“123”转换为临时对象&amp;使用复制构造函数将临时对象复制到对象“a4”。 C ++不允许通过非const引用传递临时对象,因为临时对象是不能绑定引用非const的rvalue。



class Test
   /* Class data members */
   Test(Test &t) { /* Copy data members from t*/}
   Test()        { /* Initialize data members */ }

Test fun()
    cout << "fun() Called\n";
    Test t;
    return t;
int main()
    Test t1;
    Test t2 = fun();  //compilation error with non-const copy constructor
    return 0;

$g++ -o main *.cpp
main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:22:18: error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘Test&’ to an rvalue of type ‘Test’
     Test t2 = fun();
main.cpp:8:4: note:   initializing argument 1 of ‘Test::Test(Test&)’
    Test(Test &t) { /* Copy data members from t*/}