
时间:2016-11-22 04:57:00

标签: javascript php jquery html forms



<form class="form-vertical" onsubmit="return sendEmail();" id="tell_a_friend_form" method="post" action="index.php?route=product/product/tellaFriendEmail" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="form-group ">
     <label class="control-label  ">Your Name <span >*  </span> </label><br>
       <div class="form-group-default">
         <input type="text" id="senders_name" name="sender_name" value="" class="form-control input-lg required" >

    <div id="notify2" class="">
      <div id="notification-text2" class="xs-m-t-10 fs-12"></div>
      <!--<button type="button" class ="close" id="noti-hide">×</button>-->

      <div class="form-group ">
       <label class="control-label  ">Your Email <span >*  </span> </label><br>
         <div class="form-group-default">
           <input type="text" id="sender_email_ID" name="sender_email" value="" class="form-control input-lg" >

       <div id="notify1" class="">
         <div id="notification-text1" class="xs-m-t-10 fs-12"></div>
           <!--<button type="button" class ="close" id="noti-hide">×</button>-->

           <div class="form-group ">
             <label class="control-label">Your Friends' Email <span >* </span></label>
               <p class="lineStyle">Enter one or more email addresses, separated by a comma.</p>

          <div class="form-group-default">
             <input type="text" value="" id="receiver_email" class="form-control required" name="receivers_email" >

           <div id="notify" class="">
             <div id="notification-text" class="xs-m-t-10 fs-12"></div>
               <!--<button type="button" class ="close" id="noti-hide">×</button>-->

            <div >
              <label domainsclass="control-label ">Add a personal message below (Optional) <br></label>
                 <div class="form-group-default">
                   <textarea type="text" id="tell_a_friend_message" name="tell_a_friend_message" class="form-control" rows="10" col="100" style=" width: 330px; height: 100px;"></textarea>

               <div id="notify3" class="">
                 <div id="notification-text3" class="xs-m-t-10 fs-12"></div>
                  <!--<button type="button" class ="close" id="noti-hide">×</button>-->

               <input type="hidden" name="product_url" id="product_url_field" value="">

               <div class="p-t-15 p-b-20 pull-right">
                 <button id="send_mail_button" class="btn btn-rounded btn-rounded-fl-gold text-uppercase" name="submit" onclick="return sendEmail();" >Send</button>
                  <button id="cancel_email_form" class="btn btn-rounded btn-rounded-gold text-uppercase btn-margin-left" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" >Cancel</button>




    function sendEmail() {

        document.getElementById('product_url_field').value = window.location.href
        var emailpattern = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
        var receivers_email = $("#receiver_email").val();
        var sender_email    = $("#sender_email_ID").val();
        var sender_name     = $("#senders_name").val();
        var email_pathname    = window.location.pathname;
        var product_url       = window.location.href;

        if (receivers_email == '') {

                $('#notification-text').empty().html("Invalid e-mail or fill the email address correctly");
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 10000);
                return false;

             else {

        if(sender_name == ''){

            $('#notification-text2').empty().html("please fill the name");
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 10000);
            return false;

        if (sender_email == '') {

                $('#notification-text1').empty().html("Invalid e-mail or fill the email address correctly");
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 10000);
                return false;

        else {

        $('#notification-text3').empty().html("Email has sent successfully");
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 10000);
        return true;



 public function tellaFriendEmail(){

        if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

            $receiver_email = $_POST['receivers_email'];
            $name = $_POST['sender_name'];
            $email = $_POST['sender_email'];
            $message = $_POST['tell_a_friend_message'];
            $products_url = $_POST['product_url'];

            $mail = new Mail();
            $mail->protocol = $this->config->get('config_mail_protocol');
            $mail->parameter = $this->config->get('config_mail_parameter');
            $mail->smtp_hostname = $this->config->get('config_mail_smtp_hostname');
            $mail->smtp_username = $this->config->get('config_mail_smtp_username');
            $mail->smtp_password = html_entity_decode($this->config->get('config_mail_smtp_password'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
            $mail->smtp_port = $this->config->get('config_mail_smtp_port');
            $mail->smtp_timeout = $this->config->get('config_mail_smtp_timeout');

            $mail->setSubject($name.' '.'wants you to checkout this product from waltersbay.com');

                    if ($message !=''){
                        $mail->setHtml('Hi Dear,<br/> please checkout the following product that'.' '.$name.' '.'wanted you to see.'.' '.'we hope that you will like it !!!!<br/>'.$products_url.'<br/>'.'<br/> Here is a little message from your friend:<br/>'.$message.'<br/>'.'<br/> Thank you, <br/>  ');
                        $mail->setHtml('Hi Dear,<br/> please checkout the following product that'.' '.$name.' '.'wanted you to see.'.' '.'we hope that you will like it !!!!<br/>'.$products_url.'<br/>'/*.'<br/> Here is a little message from your friend:<br/>'.$message.'<br/>'*/.'<br/> Thank you, <br/>  ');

            header('location : tella_friend.tpl');


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





答案 1 :(得分:0)

对于您的问题,建议的最佳做法是使用jquery ajax请求。


$(".form-vertical").submit(function(e) {
    //send ajax with your form data. Ample examples on SO already.


 1. Use button elements instead of submit element.
 2. Attach click event on button. i.e. in your case 'send'.
 3. On click, send ajax as described above. This will avoid doing things like onsubmit="return sendEmail();" you had to do. 
 4. Also following is not required as well,
   $(".form-vertical").submit(function(e) {
 as it will be done as follows,
   $("button#buttonId").click(function(e) {
    // your ajax call.....