Java - 使用抽象类

时间:2016-12-02 02:38:02

标签: java inheritance

我的任务是为抽象类MashUpPlayer创建一个子类。 MashUpPlayer有一个构造函数。子类的构造函数必须没有参数。客户端代码将无法编译。我不确定如何在不使用给定参数实现构造函数的情况下编译代码。


public class Wizard extends MashUpPlayer {

    //this shouldn't have any params ??
    Wizard (String s, Color c){

    * method to set the color of Wizard MashUpPlayer to Gray
    * @param c is the color
    public void setColor(Color c){
        c = Color.GRAY;

    *method to change the String state to "^\u221e^"
    *@param s is the string display
    public void setDisplay (String  s){
        s= "^\u221e^";

    /**overrides getColor method from MashUpPlayer
    * @return Color.GRAY
    public Color getColor(){
        return Color.GRAY;

    /**overrides toString method from MashUpPlayer
    * @return "^\u221e^"
    public String toString(){
        return "^\u221e^";

    * this method is the actions of the Wizard
    * It will fight an Other in front of it
    * @return Action.FIGHT
    * It will turn right if the neighbor in front is a Wizard or a Wall
    * @return Action.RIGHT
    * It will travel around it's domain otherwise
    * @return move 5 spaces, turn right, repeat
    public Action getMove(MashUpPlayerInfo info){

        //checks neighbor and fights if other    
        if(info.getFront() ==Neighbor.OTHER){
            return Action.FIGHT;

        //turns right at wall or neighbor 
            return Action.RIGHT;

        //moves 5 spaces
        if (info.getFront()==Neighbor.EMPTY){
            for (int i=1;i<=5;i++){
                return Action.MOVE;
        //turns right 
        return Action.RIGHT;


import java.awt.*;
    * This is the superclass of all of the MashUpPlayer classes. 
    * String representation. Some methods must be overriden.

    * The class provides several kinds of constants:<p>
    * type Neighbor  : WALL, EMPTY, SAME, OTHER<br>
    * type Action    : HOP, LEFT, RIGHT, FIGHT<br>
    * type Direction : NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST<br><br> </p>
    * Based on work by Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp                                      

    public abstract class MashUpPlayer {

    private String myDisplay;
    private Color myColor;

     * Initializes this MashUpPlayer's state
     * @param s this MashUpPlayer's initial String representation
     * @param c this MashUpPlayer's starting color
    public MashUpPlayer(String s, Color c){
        myDisplay = s;
        myColor = c;

     * This method answers this MashUpPlayer's color
     * @return the current color
    public Color getColor(){
        return myColor;

     * This method answers this MashUpPlayer's String representation
     * @return the current string
    public String toString(){
        return myDisplay;

     * This method allows subclasses only to change this MashUpPlayer's color
     * @param c the new color
    protected void setColor(Color c){
        myColor = c;

     * This method allows subclasses only to change this MashUpPlayer's String display
     * @param s the new display
    protected void setDisplay(String s){
        myDisplay = s;

     * This method answers this MashUpPlayer's Action
     * @param info information about this MashUpPlayer in the simulation
     * @return the current Action
    public abstract Action getMove(MashUpPlayerInfo info);

     * <div>
     * WALL: against the wall of the simulation world<br>
     * EMPTY: the neighboring spot is empty<br>
     * SAME: an MashUpPlayer of the same species<br>
     * OTHER: an MashUpPlayer of another species<br></div>
    public static enum Neighbor {

     * <div>
     * MOVE: move one space in the current direction<br>
     * LEFT: turn left by rotating 90 degrees counter-clockwise<br>
     * RIGHT: turn right by rotating 90 degrees clockwise<br>
     * FIGHT: fight the MashUpPlayer in front of you</div>
    public static enum Action {

     * <div>
     * NORTH<br>
     * SOUTH<br>
     * EAST<br>}
     * WEST</div>
    public static enum Direction {

    // This prevents any MashUpPlayer from trying to redefine the definition of
    // object equality, which is important for the simulator to work properly.
    public final boolean equals(Object other) {
        return this == other;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Wizard() {
    super("Some string", Color.Black); // default wizard values

答案 1 :(得分:0)


import java.awt.*;

public class Wizard extends MashUpPlayer {

    static final String s = "^\u221e^";
    static final Color c = Color.GRAY;

    Wizard() {
        super(s, c);

    public void setColor(Color c) {

    public void setDisplay(String s) {

    public Color getColor() {
        return super.getColor();

    public String toString() {
        return super.toString();



答案 2 :(得分:0)

你的类继承有点时髦。如果要设置某些特定于子的行为,则应实现抽象方法并覆盖其他方法。从您发布的代码中,您无法直接访问私有变量,而应通过您未执行的公共getter和setter访问它们。您甚至无法实例化您尝试实例化的方式。你的&#39; MashUpPlayer&#39;中无法访问你的s。你应该做这样的事情

MashUpPlayer player = new MashUpPlayer();