
时间:2016-12-02 16:31:09

标签: asp.net-mvc


public ActionResult Modify(System.Guid id)
  return View("Modify", LoadFromDatabase(id));

public ActionResult Modify(CaseModel myModel)
  //So odd behavior. If I redirect to the actual GET Modify, 
  //I loose any changes on the form. however if I perform the 
  //same actions but here in the Post... all my unsaved changes 

  //This one wipes any edits
  return RedirectToAction("Modify", new { id = myModel.ID});

  //This one actually leaves all my changes, even though 
  //I am re-creating the model from the database just like
  //the other ActionResult
  return View("Modify", LoadFromDatabase(myModel.ID));

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在上面的Stephen Muecke two中提及comments


你可以依赖它。 RedirectToAction()正在重定向到一个新页面,该页面基于CaseModel属性初始化ID的新实例(即从您的存储库中读取值。return View()返回当前的实例CaseModel如果您使用HtmlHelper方法生成表单控件,则会在您提交表单时使用ModelState添加的DefaultModelBinder值。 {3}}有关行为的更多解释)。 @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.someProperty)将显示您发布的值,而@Model.someProperty将显示您在post方法中设置的“已更新”值

完美无缺。 HTML帮助程序使用ModelState(也称为ViewState)覆盖我的Model值。