
时间:2016-12-02 18:22:28

标签: javascript angularjs dialog angular-material






可以通过两种方式使用堆栈: push replace 。如果将新对话框推送到堆栈,则会隐藏任何当前对话框并以保留其上下文的方式进行存储。这基本上意味着首先用于生成模态的所有参数都存储在一个对象中并被压入堆栈,这是一个本地存储在DialogStack服务中的数组。在此之后,渲染函数使用堆栈上的最高元素生成新模态。如果您选择替换,则该过程实际上是相同的,除了在添加新对话框之前完全清除堆栈。




Plunker https://embed.plnkr.co/MZ74mV0FMGirJd1LYm64/


'use strict';

 * @ngdoc function
 * @name dialogsuite.service:DialogStack
 * @description
 * # DialogStack
 * Handles dialog management under angular-material
    ['$mdDialog', '$q', '$rootScope',
    function ($mdDialog, $q, $rootScope,
              DIALOGS) {

    var stack;
    var processing;
    // var debugCount = 0;

     * Removes all dialogs from the stack
    function clear (hideAll)
      if (!!hideAll)
        stack = [];

        renderDialog ();
        if (!!stack && stack.length === 1)
          processing = false;

        $mdDialog.hide ();

     * Closes the visible dialog
    function close ()
      if (!stack || !stack.length) { return; }

      $mdDialog.hide ();

     * Shows a confirm dialog and calls the appropriate callback
    function confirm (message, confirmCallback, cancelCallback)
      if (!stack)
        stack = [];
      else if (!!stack.length)
        processing = true;

      var params = $mdDialog.confirm ()
                    //.title('Confirm Action')
                    .textContent (message)
                    .ariaLabel ('dialog')
                    .ok ('CONFIRM')
                    .cancel ('CANCEL')
                    .theme ('default')

      params.onRemoving = function () { pop (); };

      stack.push (params);

      $rootScope.$evalAsync (function ()
        $mdDialog.show (params).then (confirmCallback, cancelCallback);

     * Removes the dialogue at the top of the stack. If there are any dialogs
     * remaining, opens the next one down
    function pop (force)
      if ((!!stack && !!stack.length && !processing) ||
          (!!stack && !!stack.length && force === true))
        var removed = stack.pop ();

        $rootScope.$broadcast ('llDialogClosed', removed);

        renderDialog ();

      processing = false;

     * Adds a dialog to the stack and opens it immediately
    function push (dialog, scope, locals)
      if (!dialog)
        throw 'Exception: No dialog provided';

      if (!stack)
        stack = [];

      processing = true;

      if (!!scope)
        dialog.scope = scope;

      //Note: Locals get injected into the dialog's controller
      if (!!locals)
        dialog.locals = locals;

      stack.push (dialog);

      renderDialog ();

     * Closes any dialog that may currently be open, then shows the dialog at
     * this top of the stack
    function renderDialog ()
      locals     {object=}:   An object containing key/value pairs. The keys will be used as names of values to inject into the controller. For example, `locals: {three: 3}` would inject three into the controller, with the value 3. If bindToController is true, they will be copied to the controller instead.
      onShowing  {function=}: Callback function used to announce the show() action is starting.
      onComplete {function=}: Callback function used to announce when the show() action is finished.
      onRemoving {function=}: Callback function used to announce the close/hide() action is starting. This allows developers to run custom animations in parallel the close animations.
      resolve    {object=}:   Similar to locals, except it takes promises as values, and the dialog will not open until all of the promises resolve.

      if (!stack || !stack.length)
        $mdDialog.hide ();
        processing = false;

      var params = _.assign (DIALOGS.DEFAULTS, stack[stack.length - 1]);

      params.onRemoving = function () { pop (); };

      $rootScope.$evalAsync (function ()
        //When a modal becomes visible, any previous modals are automatically
        //hidden. By doing this manually we can clear the processing flag without
        //destroying the rest of the stack, since onRemoving resolves before the
        //promise does
        $mdDialog.hide ()
        .then (function ()
          processing = false;
          $mdDialog.show (params);

     * Replaces the dialog stack with the given dialog
    function replace (dialog, scope, locals)
      stack = [];

      push (dialog, scope, locals);

    /* ********************************************************************** */

    //Service public-facing functions
    var DialogStack = {
      clear: clear,
      close: close,
      confirm: confirm,
      pop: pop,
      push: push,
      replace: replace

    return DialogStack;


app.value ('DIALOGS',
      autoWrap: false,
      clickOutsideToClose: true,
      disableParentScroll: true,
      escapeToClose: true,
      focusOnOpen: true,
      fullscreen: true,
      hasBackdrop: true,
      parent: $('body'),
      preserveScope: true
      desc: 'multi-purpose container, usually for displaying messages',
      fullscreen: false,
      name: 'root',
      templateUrl: 'modal-root.html'

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