使用Python Beatifulsoup的废料天使列表配置文件描述

时间:2016-12-10 14:48:58

标签: python excel-vba web-scraping vba excel




请使用过滤器位置 - >美国和市场 - >在线约会。将有大约550个结果(请注意,当您应用过滤器时,URL不会发生变化)



  1. 名称
  2. 描述信息
  3. 投资
  4. 方正
  5. 顾问
  6. 位置
  7. 市场
  8. 我正在寻找什么
  9. 现在我已经尝试了很多解决方案但到目前为止还没有解决过。 Import.io,数据挖掘器,数据抓取工具对我没什么帮助。




    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import urllib2
    import json
    import csv
    def fetch_page(url):
        opener = urllib2.build_opener()
        # changing the user agent as the default one is banned
        opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/43.0.1')]
        return opener.open(url).read()
    #Create a CSV File.
    f = open('angle_profiles.csv', 'w')
    # Row Headers
    f.write("URL" + "," + "Name" + "," + "Founder" + "," + "Advisor" + "," + "Employee" + "," + "Board Member" + ","
        + "Customer" + "," + "Locations" + "," + "Markets" + "," + "Investments" + "," + "What_iam_looking_for" + "\n")
    # URLs to iterate over has been saved in file: 'profiles_links.csv' . I will extract the URLs individually...
    index = 1;
    with open("profiles_links.csv") as f2:
        for row in map(str.strip,f2):
            url = format(row)
            print "@ Index: ", index
            index += 1;
            # Check if URL has 404 error. if yes, skip and continue with the rest of URLs.
                html = fetch_page(url)
                page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            except Exception, e:
                print "Error 404 @: " , url
            bs = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
            #Extract info from page with these tags..
            name = bs.select(".profile-text h1")[0].get_text().strip()
            #description = bs.select('div[data-field="bio"]')[0]['data-value']
            founder = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('.role_founder a'))
            advisor = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('.role_advisor a'))
            employee = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('.role_employee a'))
            board_member = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('.role_board_member a'))
            customer = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('.role_customer a'))
            class_wrapper = bs.body.find('div', attrs={'data-field' : 'tags_interested_locations'})
            count = 1
            locations = {}
            if class_wrapper is not None:
                for span in class_wrapper.find_all('span'):
                    locations[count] = span.text
                    count +=1
            class_wrapper = bs.body.find('div', attrs={'data-field' : 'tags_interested_markets'})
            count = 1
            markets = {}
            if class_wrapper is not None:
                for span in class_wrapper.find_all('span'):
                    markets[count] = span.text
                    count +=1
            what_iam_looking_for = ' '.join(map(lambda p: p.get_text().strip(), bs.select('div.criteria p')))
            user_id = bs.select('.profiles-show .profiles-show')[0]['data-user_id']
            # investments are loaded using separate request and response is in JSON format
            json_data = fetch_page("https://angel.co/startup_roles/investments?user_id=%s" % user_id)
            investment_records = json.loads(json_data)
            investments = map(lambda x: x['company']['company_name'], investment_records)
            # Make sure that every variable is in string
            name2 = str(name); founder2 = str(founder); advisor2 = str (advisor); employee2 = str(employee)
            board_member2 = str(board_member); customer2 = str(customer); locations2 = str(locations); markets2 = str (markets);
            what_iam_looking_for2 = str(what_iam_looking_for); investments2 = str(investments);
            # Replace any , found with - so that csv doesn't confuse it as col separator...
            name = name2.replace(",", " -")
            founder = founder2.replace(",", " -")
            advisor = advisor2.replace(",", " -")
            employee = employee2.replace(",", " -")
            board_member = board_member2.replace(",", " -")
            customer = customer2.replace(",", " -")
            locations = locations2.replace(",", " -")
            markets = markets2.replace(",", " -")
            what_iam_looking_for = what_iam_looking_for2.replace(","," -")
            investments = investments2.replace(","," -")
            # Replace u' with nothing
            name = name.replace("u'", "")
            founder = founder.replace("u'", "")
            advisor = advisor.replace("u'", "")
            employee = employee.replace("u'", "")
            board_member = board_member.replace("u'", "")
            customer = customer.replace("u'", "")
            locations = locations.replace("u'", "")
            markets = markets.replace("u'", "")
            what_iam_looking_for = what_iam_looking_for.replace("u'", "")
            investments = investments.replace("u'", "")
            # Write the information back to the file... Note \n is used to jump one row ahead...
            f.write(url + "," + name + "," + founder + "," + advisor + "," + employee + "," + board_member + ","
                    + customer + "," + locations + "," + markets + "," + investments + "," + what_iam_looking_for + "\n")




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import json

def fetch_page(url):
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    # changing the user agent as the default one is banned
    opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
    return opener.open(url).read()

html = fetch_page("https://angel.co/davidtisch")

# or load from local file
#html = open('page.html', 'r').read()

bs = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
name = bs.select(".profile-text h1")[0].get_text().strip()

description = bs.select('div[data-field="bio"]')[0]['data-value']

founder = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('.role_founder a'))

advisor = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('.role_advisor a'))

locations = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('div[data-field="tags_interested_locations"] a'))

markets = map(lambda link: link.get_text().strip(), bs.select('div[data-field="tags_interested_markets"] a'))

what_iam_looking_for = ' '.join(map(lambda p: p.get_text().strip(), bs.select('div.criteria p')))

user_id = bs.select('.profiles-show .profiles-show')[0]['data-user_id']

# investments are loaded using separate request and response is in JSON format
json_data = fetch_page("https://angel.co/startup_roles/investments?user_id=%s" % user_id)

investment_records = json.loads(json_data)

investments = map(lambda x: x['company']['company_name'], investment_records)

答案 1 :(得分:0)




$ pip install scrapy
$ cat > myspider.py <<EOF

import scrapy

class BlogSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'blogspider'
    start_urls = ['https://angel.co']

    def parse(self, response):
        # here's selector to extract interesting elements
        for title in response.css('h2.entry-title'):
            # write down here values you'd like to extract from the element
            yield {'title': title.css('a ::text').extract_first()}

        # how to find next page
        next_page = response.css('div.prev-post > a ::attr(href)').extract_first()
        if next_page:
            yield scrapy.Request(response.urljoin(next_page), callback=self.parse)


$ scrapy runspider myspider.py
