
时间:2016-12-10 22:15:28

标签: c++ binary-search-tree nullptr



    node* root = NULL;

char BT::FindReplacement(node* parent, char param)
    if (parent == NULL) //In case someone tries to delete a node while there aren't any nodes in the Tree
        return NULL;

    parent = parent->right;
    while (parent->left != NULL)
        parent = parent->left;

    return parent->data;

void BT::leafDriver()
    int count = 0;
    leafCount(root, count); 

void BT::leafCount(node* start, int count)

    if ((start->left == NULL) && (start->right == NULL))

    if (start->left != NULL)
        leafCount(start->left, count);

    if(start->right != NULL)
        leafCount(start->right, count);
cout << " There are " << count << " number of leaves in the BST" << endl;


void BT::deletionDriver(char param)
    deletion(root, param);

void BT::deletion(node* parent, char param)

    if (parent->data < param) 
        parent->left = parent->left->left;
        deletion(parent -> left, param);
        cout << "checking left node" << endl;

    else if (parent->data > param)
        parent->right = parent->right->right;
        deletion(parent->right, param);
        cout << "checking right node" << endl;

    else if (parent->data == param)
        //Case 1: No Children
        if (parent->left == NULL && parent->right == NULL)
            delete parent;
            parent = NULL;


        //Case 2: One Child
        else if ((parent->right == NULL) && (parent->left != NULL))
            node* temp = parent;
            parent = parent->left;
            delete temp;

        else if (parent->left == NULL)
            node* temp = parent;
            parent - parent->right;
            delete temp;

        //Case 3: Two Children
        else if ((parent->left != NULL) && (parent->right != NULL))
            char tempParam;
            tempParam = FindReplacement(parent, param);
            parent->data = tempParam;
            deletion(parent->right, tempParam);

        cout << "Item is not found in BST" << endl;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


parent = parent->right;


parent = parent->right;
if ( parent == nullptr ) {
    // handle null case
else {
    // handle case when there is another node

答案 1 :(得分:0)

while (parent->left != NULL)


while (parent != NULL)

