
时间:2016-12-13 02:26:34

标签: java arrays sorting indexof

使用Arrays.sort( array );是一种非常简单的数组排序方法。但有一个问题。对于每个未排序的数组,有一个索引引用某些其他数据结构中的对象。在对数组进行排序时(使用上面的代码或任何其他类似方法),将更改每个值的索引。是否有解决方案来为每个值分配索引?


使用HashMap<Key, Value>没有用,因为数组中有很多相同的值。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



或者更好的是,只需为每个元素提供一个内部字段,该字段只是另一个数据结构中元素的直接引用变量。 (除非您出于某种原因需要原始索引,而不仅仅是对相关对象/值的引用)

例如:this SO Q&A

答案 1 :(得分:0)



 * Sorts parallel arrays in-place.  Sorted by the first array and updating
 * all other arrays to match.
 * Uses the natural sorting of the objects.
 * All arrays must be the same length.
 * @param  keys         the values used to sort, may be duplicate
 * @param  otherArrays  the arrays to have reordered to match the sorting of
 *                      the keys array.
 * @exception  IllegalArgumentException  if any of otherArrays have a length
 *                      different that the keys array.
public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> void sortParallelArrays(
    E[] keys,
    Object[] ... otherArrays
) {
    int numKeys = keys.length;
    int numOtherArrays = otherArrays.length;
    for(Object[] otherArray : otherArrays) {
        if(otherArray.length != numKeys) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatched array lengths");
    // A list of all indexes per key
    // This also does the sorting within the TreeMap using natural ordering
    SortedMap<E, List<Integer>> originalIndexesByKey = new TreeMap<E, List<Integer>>();

    // Populate the map
    for(int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
        E key = keys[i];
        List<Integer> originalIndexes = originalIndexesByKey.get(key);
        if(originalIndexes == null) {
            // Optimization for the non-duplicate keys
            originalIndexesByKey.put(key, Collections.singletonList(i));
        } else {
            if(originalIndexes.size() == 1) {
                // Upgrade to ArrayList now that know have duplicate keys
                originalIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(originalIndexes);
                originalIndexesByKey.put(key, originalIndexes);

    // Store back to keys and sort other arrays in a single traversal
    Object[][] sortedOtherArrays = new Object[numOtherArrays][numKeys];
    int pos = 0;
    for(Map.Entry<E, List<Integer>> entry : originalIndexesByKey.entrySet()) {
        E key = entry.getKey();
        for(int index : entry.getValue()) {
            keys[pos] = key;
            for(int ooIndex = 0; ooIndex < numOtherArrays; ooIndex++) {
                sortedOtherArrays[ooIndex][pos] = otherArrays[ooIndex][index];
    assert pos == numKeys : "Arrays should be full";

    // Copy back to original arrays for in-place sort
    for(int ooIndex = 0; ooIndex < numOtherArrays; ooIndex++) {
            sortedOtherArrays[ooIndex], 0,
            otherArrays[ooIndex], 0,

