
时间:2016-12-22 20:05:44

标签: r conditional-statements bar-chart




par(mar = c(6,4,1,1))
x <- focusgroup[order(focusgroup$GDP), ]
x$color[x$`LE Both Sexes`== 55] <- 1
x$color[x$`LE Both Sexes`==77] <- 2
x$color[x$`LE Both Sexes`==77] <- 3
with(x, barplot(GDP, names.arg = x$Country, las = 2, cex.axis = 0.6, cex.lab = 0.8, cex = 0.6, col = color))

这是焦点组数据的示例: 结构(国家= c(“南非”,“斯威士兰”,“博茨瓦纳”, “莱索托”,“纳米比亚”,“瑞典”,“挪威”,“英国”,“丹麦”, “爱沙尼亚”,“芬兰”,“冰岛”,“爱尔兰”,“拉脱维亚”,“立陶宛”, “新西兰”,“澳大利亚”,“韩国”,“朝鲜”,“中国”, “日本”,“蒙古”,“墨西哥”,“哥斯达黎加”,“萨尔瓦多”,“危地马拉”, “洪都拉斯”,“巴拿马”,“尼加拉瓜”),GDP = c(10700, 4500,14000,1700,6900,39100,54600,34800,36600,19100,35400, 38300,37300,14700,16000,27700,41000,30000,1800,7600, 34000,3600,13900,11300,7200,5200,4200,13000,3000),人口= c(54490,1287,2262,2135,2459,9779,5211,64716,5669,1313,5503, 329,4688,1971,2878,4529,23969,50293,25155,1383925,126573, 2959,127017,4808,6127,16343,8075,3929,6082),LE Male = c(59.3, 56.6,63.3,51.7,63.1,80.7,79.8,79.4,78.6,72.7,78.3,81.2, 79.4,69.6,68.1,80,80.9,78.8,67,74.6,80.5,64.7,73.9, 77.1,68.8,68.5,72.3,74.7,71.5),LE Both Sexes = c(62.9,58.9,65.7, 53.7,65.8,82.4,81.8,81.2,80.6,77.6,81.1,82.7,81.4,74.6, 73.6,81.6,82.8,82.3,70.6,76.1,83.7,68.8,76.7,79.6,73.5, 71.9,74.6,77.8,74.8)),. Name = c(“”,“Country”,“ISO”,“Region”, “分区域”,“谋杀率”,“统计”,“GDP”,“GPI”,“percentage_non_religious”, “人口”,“LE男”,“LE女”,“LE两性”),row.names = c(NA, 29L),class = c(“tbl_df”,“tbl”,“data.frame”))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是一种使用ggplot2并通过&#34; fill&#34;定义条形图颜色的方法。论点。请注意,我选择旋转轴方向。


### read data
dat <- data.frame(Country = c("South Africa", "Swaziland", "Botswana", "Lesotho", "Namibia", "Sweden", "Norway", "United Kingdom", "Denmark", "Estonia", "Finland", "Iceland", "Ireland", "Latvia", "Lithuania", "New Zealand", "Australia", "South Korea", "North Korea", "China", "Japan", "Mongolia", "Mexico", "Costa Rica", "El Salvador", "Guatemala", "Honduras", "Panama", "Nicaragua"), 
                  GDP = c(10700, 4500, 14000, 1700, 6900, 39100, 54600, 34800, 36600, 19100, 35400, 38300, 37300, 14700, 16000, 27700, 41000, 30000, 1800, 7600, 34000, 3600, 13900, 11300, 7200, 5200, 4200, 13000, 3000), 
                  Population = c(54490, 1287, 2262, 2135, 2459, 9779, 5211, 64716, 5669, 1313, 5503, 329, 4688, 1971, 2878, 4529, 23969, 50293, 25155, 1383925, 126573, 2959, 127017, 4808, 6127, 16343, 8075, 3929, 6082), 
                  LE_Male = c(59.3, 56.6, 63.3, 51.7, 63.1, 80.7, 79.8, 79.4, 78.6, 72.7, 78.3, 81.2, 79.4, 69.6, 68.1, 80, 80.9, 78.8, 67, 74.6, 80.5, 64.7, 73.9, 77.1, 68.8, 68.5, 72.3, 74.7, 71.5), 
                  LE_Both_Sexes = c(62.9, 58.9, 65.7, 53.7, 65.8, 82.4, 81.8, 81.2, 80.6, 77.6, 81.1, 82.7, 81.4, 74.6, 73.6, 81.6, 82.8, 82.3, 70.6, 76.1, 83.7, 68.8, 76.7, 79.6, 73.5, 71.9, 74.6, 77.8, 74.8))


ggplot(dat, aes(x=reorder(Country, GDP), y=GDP, fill=LE_Both_Sexes)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  coord_flip() +


dat$LE_class <- cut(dat$LE_Both_Sexes, breaks=c(50,70,80,90), labels=c("50-70", "70-80", "80-90"))

ggplot(dat, aes(x=reorder(Country, GDP), y=GDP, fill=LE_class)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("yellow", "red", "green")) # here's where you define the colors of the classes 
#(imho I would suggest reordering them, as c("red", "yellow", "green") seems more intuitive