
时间:2017-01-03 19:50:11

标签: sugarcrm suitecrm

有一个用于糖crm的模块,但它对我的suitecrm事件的安装不起作用,虽然它安装得很好。 https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/support/SynoFieldMask


custom / Extension / modules / Accounts / Ext / Dependencies中的其中一个php文件如下所示:

         test_data ( id, type, total ) as (
           select 1, 'Purchase', 12   from dual union all
           select 1, 'Return'  , 2    from dual union all
           select 1, 'Exchange', 5    from dual union all
           select 2, 'Purchase', null from dual union all
           select 2, 'Return'  , 5    from dual union all
           select 2, 'Exchange', 1    from dual union all
           select 3, 'Purchase', 34   from dual union all
           select 3, 'Return'  , 4    from dual union all
           select 3, 'Exchange', 2    from dual union all
           select 4, 'Purchase', 12   from dual union all
           select 4, 'Exchange', 2    from dual
    -- end of test data; actual solution (SQL query) begins below this line
    select id, type, total
    from   ( select id, type, total,
                    count( distinct case when type in ('Purchase', 'Return', 'Exchange')
                                         then type end                         
                         ) over (partition by id)             as ct_type,
                    count( case when total is null then 1 end
                         ) over (partition by id)             as ct_total
             from   test_data
    where  ct_type = 3 and ct_total = 0


https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/support/SynoFieldMask/1069 https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/support/SynoFieldMask/753

我的版本7.7.9 Sugar Version 6.5.24(Build 509)。掩盖从未出现,它让我输入任何东西。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

看起来这个插件支持SugarCRM 7.2.0到7.8.0.0。

SuiteCRM基于SugarCRM CE版本6.5.24。此外,插件似乎也不支持SugarCRM的CE版本。
