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时间:2017-01-12 02:26:59

标签: html css facebook


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            <h3>Welcome to Kustum Kostumes</h3>
                <p> We aim to provide high quality, handmade and crafted kostumes, props, sculptures, and artwork!<br> We put in a lot of time and effort into what we produce to make sure that not only is the client <br>happy but it looks as close as possible to the source material. </p><p>Please check out the services page to see a detailed list of what we have to offer <br>and the approximate prices for each. Please use the Gumtree links on the side <br>for what we currently have for sale. Alternatively, contact us for anything you have in mind.<br> Don't forget to like us on facebook for continual updates.    

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                    <h3>Contact Us</h3>

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                    © Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. ABN 78 820 831 193


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