emb删除无法被AWS Elastic Beanstalk识别

时间:2017-01-17 00:35:32

标签: amazon-web-services elastic-beanstalk

我是一个虚拟的人。我安装了awsebcli,如下所示:pip install awsebcli

然后我做了eb init -p python3.4 django-tutorial并且说Application django-tutorial has been created.。我想删除此应用程序。我试过eb delete,但是说

usage: eb (sub-commands ...) [options ...] {arguments ...}
eb: error: unrecognized arguments: delete

然后我尝试了eb delete -a django-tutorial并且说

usage: eb (sub-commands ...) [options ...] {arguments ...}
eb: error: unrecognized arguments: delete -a django-tutorial


  abort        Cancels an environment update or deployment.
  appversion   Listing and managing application versions
  clone        Clones an environment.
  codesource   Configures the code source for the EB CLI to use by default.
  config       Modify an environment's configuration. Use subcommands to manage saved configurations.
  console      Opens the environment in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Management Console.
  create       Creates a new environment.
  deploy       Deploys your source code to the environment.
  events       Gets recent events.
  health       Shows detailed environment health.
  init         Initializes your directory with the EB CLI. Creates the application.
  labs         Extra experimental commands.
  list         Lists all environments.
  local        Runs commands on your local machine.
  logs         Gets recent logs.
  open         Opens the application URL in a browser.
  platform     Manages platforms.
  printenv     Shows the environment variables.
  restore      Restores a terminated environment.
  scale        Changes the number of running instances.
  setenv       Sets environment variables.
  ssh          Opens the SSH client to connect to an instance.
  status       Gets environment information and status.
  swap         Swaps two environment CNAMEs with each other.
  terminate    Terminates the environment.
  upgrade      Updates the environment to the most recent platform version.
  use          Sets default environment.


修改:刚刚注意到eb stop不存在,但是从此链接开始: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/delete.html

eb stopeb delete都应该存在。

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尝试eb terminate --all删除该应用,并确保您正在查看当前的EB documentation
