
时间:2017-01-21 13:10:10

标签: php wordpress woocommerce cron

我有一个安装了WooCommerce插件的Wordpress网站。我已经创建了一个cron作业,用于从gmail中读取电子邮件并在网站上相应地更新产品价格。我使用PHP IMAP功能连接和搜索收件箱中的邮件。此外,通过在WP-config.php中添加Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 293339136) (tried to allocate 3932134 bytes) in /home/site/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php来禁用Wordpress cron,并在服务器中创建新的cronjob以便每小时运行一次。

<span id="e-tt1_1" class="tt1">Trigger 3</span>
<span id="e-tt1_2" class="tt1">Trigger 3</span>
<span id="e-tt1_3" class="tt1">Trigger 3</span>

这里的问题是,即使收件箱中没有未读电子邮件,cron作业也会丢失内存错误($(document).ready(function() { $('.tt1[id^="e-tt1_"]').each(function() { var $scoop = $('#data_' + $(this).attr('id')); $(this).qtip({ content: { text: function(event, api) { api.elements.content.html('Loading...'); return $.ajax({ url: 'pages/tooltip-pricing-essential1.html', dataType: 'html' }) .then(function(content) { // Append the parsed HTML of the retrieved page to a dummy <div/>, and find all <$scoop> elements //var elements = $("<div />").append( $.parseHTML(content) ).find('#data_e-tt1_2'); var elements = $("<div />").append( $.parseHTML(content) ).find($scoop); console.log($scoop); // Set the content of the tooltip to the selected element(s) api.set('content.text', elements); }, function(xhr, status, error) { api.set('content.text', status + ': ' + error); }); } }, position: { target: 'event', // Use the triggering element as the positioning target my: 'bottom center', at: 'right center', adjust: { x: -15 }, viewport: $(window) }, style: { classes: 'qtip-light qtip-rounded qtip-shadow' }, hide: { fixed: true, delay: 1500 } }); }); }); )。

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