根据一列删除重复项,然后移动" old"复制到另一张纸

时间:2017-01-23 15:28:13

标签: excel vba excel-vba





Sub DupMove()
Dim t As Single
Dim d As Object, x&, xcol As String
Dim lc&, lr&, k(), e As Range
xcol = "C"
lc = Cells.Find("*", after:=[a1], searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
lr = Cells.Find("*", after:=[a1], searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
ReDim k(1 To lr, 1 To 1)
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each e In Cells(1, xcol).Resize(lr)
    If Not d.exists(e.Value) Then
        d(e.Value) = 1
        k(e.Row, 1) = 1
    End If
Next e
Cells(1, lc + 1).Resize(lr) = k
Range("A1", Cells(lr, lc + 1)).Sort Cells(1, lc + 1), 1
x = Cells(1, lc + 1).End(4).Row
Cells(x + 1, 1).Resize(lr - x, lc).Copy Sheets("Duplicates").Range("A1")
Cells(x + 1, 1).Resize(lr - x, lc).Clear
Cells(1, lc + 1).Resize(x).Clear

End Sub

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Sub DupMove()
    Dim t As Single
    Dim d As Object, x&, xcol As String
    Dim lc&, lr&, k(), e As Range
    xcol = "C"
    lc = Cells.Find("*", after:=[a1], searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
    lr = Cells.Find("*", after:=[a1], searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    ReDim k(1 To lr, 1 To 1)
    Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each e In Cells(1, xcol).Resize(lr)
        If Not d.exists(e.Value) Then   'If not in dictionary, add it
            d.Add e.Value, Array(Cells(e.Row, 5), e.Row)    'Add the value, and an Array with column E (5) data and number of row
            k(e.Row, 1) = 1
        Else                            'If already in dictionary, test the new column E value with that saved in the array
            If d(e.Value)(0).Value < Cells(e.Row, 5).Value Then
                k(d(e.Value)(1), 1) = ""
                k(e.Row, 1) = 1
                d(e.Value)(0) = Cells(e.Row, 5)
                d(e.Value)(1) = e.Row
            End If

        End If
    Next e

    Cells(1, lc + 1).Resize(lr) = k
    Range("A1", Cells(lr, lc + 1)).Sort Cells(1, lc + 1), 1
    x = Cells(1, lc + 1).End(4).Row
    Cells(x + 1, 1).Resize(lr - x, lc).Copy Sheets("Duplicates").Range("A1")
    Cells(x + 1, 1).Resize(lr - x, lc).Clear
    Cells(1, lc + 1).Resize(x).Clear

End Sub