
时间:2010-11-15 15:48:09

标签: c# vb6 .net-4.0

我们最近将旧的VB6 Windows应用程序升级到C#.NET 4.0。我希望替换对Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.Support类的引用,因为Visual Basic 2010警告我'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility。*类已过时并且仅在32位进程内受支持。 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=160862

本文向我保证:'兼容性命名空间中的函数是为了解决.NET Framework 1.0版中的缺点而创建的。在大多数情况下,后续框架版本中添加的功能可用于重写功能,从而提高性能。“


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


    private const float TWIPS_PER_INCH = 1440f;
    private static Form _form = new Form();
    private static Graphics _graphics = _form.CreateGraphics();

    public static float TwipsPerPixelX()
        return TWIPS_PER_INCH/_graphics.DpiX;

    public static double TwipsToPixelsY(double twips)
        float dpiy = _graphics.DpiY;
        return twips * dpiy / TWIPS_PER_INCH;

    public static double TwipsToPixelsX(double twips)
        float dpix = _graphics.DpiX;
        return twips * dpix / TWIPS_PER_INCH;

    public static double PixelsToTwipsY(double pixels)
        float dpiy = _graphics.DpiY;
        return pixels * TWIPS_PER_INCH / dpiy;

    public static double PixelsToTwipsX(double pixels)
        float dpix = _graphics.DpiX;
        return pixels * TWIPS_PER_INCH / dpix;


答案 1 :(得分:3)


Function FontChangeBold(f As Font, bold As Boolean) As Font
    Dim alreadySet = (f.Style And FontStyle.Bold) = FontStyle.Bold
    If bold = alreadySet Then Return f
    If bold Then Return New Font(f, f.Style Or FontStyle.Bold)
    Return New Font(f, f.Style And Not FontStyle.Bold)
End Function


答案 2 :(得分:0)

您可以通过撰写new Font(oldFont, FontStyle.Underline)new Font(oldFont, 12)来创建不同风格的字体。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


Private Function SetNewFont(ByRef f As Font, Optional ByVal bToggleBold As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal bToggleItalics As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal bToggleUnderLine As Boolean = False) As Font

    Dim fs As FontStyle

    If bToggleBold = True Then
        If f.Bold = False Then
            fs = FontStyle.Bold
        End If
        If f.Bold = True Then
            fs = FontStyle.Bold
        End If
    End If

    If bToggleItalics = True Then
        If f.Italic = False Then
            fs += FontStyle.Italic
        End If
        If f.Italic = True Then
            fs += FontStyle.Italic
        End If
    End If

    If bToggleUnderLine = True Then
        If f.Underline = False Then
            fs += FontStyle.Underline
        End If
        If f.Underline = True Then
            fs += FontStyle.Underline
        End If
    End If

    Return New Font(f, fs)

End Function

答案 4 :(得分:-1)


至于字体,请查看Font Class