
时间:2010-11-16 07:43:47

标签: haskell error-handling monads monad-transformers

我无法抓住monad和monad变形金刚。我有 遵循人为的例子(不可编译):

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader

data State = State Int Int Int
type Foo = ReaderT State IO

readEither :: String -> Either String Int
readEither s = let p = reads s
           in case p of
               [] -> throwError "Could not parse"
               [(a, _)] -> return a

readEitherT :: IO (Either String Int)
readEitherT = let p s = reads s
          in runErrorT $ do
    l <- liftIO (getLine)
    readEither l

foo :: Foo Int
foo = do
  d <- liftIO $ readEitherT
  case d of
       Right dd -> return dd
       Left em -> do
     liftIO $ putStrLn em
     return (-1)

bar :: Foo String
bar = do
  liftIO $ getLine

defaultS = State 0 0 0

如果我将readEither的功能复制到readEitherT,它可以工作,但我 有一种唠叨的感觉,我可以利用现有的力量 readEither函数,但我无法弄清楚如何。如果我试着解除 readEither在readEitherT函数中,它将它提升到ErrorT String IO (Either String Int)。但我应该以某种方式把它带到ErrorT String IO Int

如果我走错了方向,那么正确的方法是什么 处理需要IO(或其他monad)并从中调用的错误 monadic context(参见示例中的foo函数)

修改 显然我不清楚我想做什么。也许下面的函数描述了我想知道的内容和原因

maybePulseQuit :: Handle -> IO (Either String ())
maybePulseQuit h = runErrorT $ do
  f <- liftIO $ (communicate h "finished" :: IO (Either String Bool))
  (ErrorT . pure) f >>= \b → liftIO $ when b $ liftIO pulseQuit


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


readEitherT :: IO (Either String Int)
readEitherT = fmap readEither getLine


eitherToErrorT = ErrorT . pure

readEitherT = runErrorT $ do
  l <- liftIO $ getLine
  eitherToErrorT $ readEither l

<强> [ADD] 也许您只想将ErrorT添加到您的monad堆栈中......

data State = State Int Int Int
type Foo = ErrorT String (ReaderT State IO)

runFoo :: Foo a -> State -> IO (Either String a)
runFoo foo s = runReaderT (runErrorT foo) s

doIt :: Int -> Foo Int
doIt i = if i < 0
            then throwError "i < 0"
            else return (i * 2)


*Main> runFoo (doIt 1 >>= doIt) (State 0 0 0)
Right 4
*Main> runFoo (doIt (-1) >>= doIt) (State 0 0 0)
Left "i < 0"