
时间:2017-02-01 13:19:44

标签: sql-server ssrs-2012

我正在使用sql 2012,我有一个自我引用表,有3个级别。表结构如下:


我有另一个引用该表的表,它有ID作为外键,所以如果该表的外键是6,我需要显示6是“AAA”,它是“”的子节点“ AA“是”A“的子节点。我需要深入到较低的水平,从较低的水平我应该能够上升到较高的水平。目前我可以上升到第二级。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


declare @Catergory table (
    ID int not null,
    Name nvarchar(10) not null,
    ParentID int null
declare @Customer table (
    ID int not null,
    Name nvarchar(10) not null,
    SurName nvarchar(10) not null,
    Address nvarchar(30) not null,
    CategoryId int not null
insert into @Catergory (ID, Name, ParentID)
values (1, 'A', null), (2, 'B', null),
    (3, 'C', null), (4, 'AA', 1),
    (5, 'CC', 3), (6, 'AAA', 4),
    (7, 'BB', 2), (8, 'AAA', 4),
    (9, 'CCC', 5), (10, 'AA', 1)

insert into @Customer (ID, Name, SurName, Address, CategoryId)
values (1, 'Duck', 'Duffy', '10 Steet', 10),
 (2, 'Ben', 'Ten', '10 Steet', 6),
 (3, 'Cat', 'Dog', '10 Steet', 5),
 (4, 'Chicken', 'Wings', '10 Steet', 1),
 (5, 'Fish', 'Water', '10 Steet', 7)

-- build structure using assumption that the depth is max three levels

select *
from @Customer cust
    join (
        select ID, Name as CategoryName, null As CategoryType, null as SubCategory from @Catergory roots where ParentID is null
        select mids.ID, roots.Name, mids.Name, null from @Catergory mids
            join @Catergory roots on mids.ParentID = roots.ID and roots.ParentID is null
        select leafs.ID, roots.Name, mids.Name, leafs.Name from @Catergory leafs
            join @Catergory mids on leafs.ParentID = mids.ID 
            join @Catergory roots on mids.ParentID = roots.ID and roots.ParentID is null
    ) as struct on cust.CategoryId = struct.ID
order by cust.id


| ID |  Name   | SurName | Address  | CategoryId | ID | CategoryName | CategoryType | SubCategory |
|  1 | Duck    | Duffy   | 10 Steet |         10 | 10 | A            | AA           | NULL        |
|  2 | Ben     | Ten     | 10 Steet |          6 |  6 | A            | AA           | AAA         |
|  3 | Cat     | Dog     | 10 Steet |          5 |  5 | C            | CC           | NULL        |
|  4 | Chicken | Wings   | 10 Steet |          1 |  1 | A            | NULL         | NULL        |
|  5 | Fish    | Water   | 10 Steet |          7 |  7 | B            | BB           | NULL        |

