MIPS汇编 - 程序无法终止

时间:2017-02-02 08:27:49

标签: assembly mips spim pcspim


array:      .space 80
prompt:     .asciiz "Please enter an integer: "
newLine:    .asciiz "\n"
printS:     .asciiz "\nThe smallest value is: "
printL:     .asciiz "\nThe largest value is: "
printD:     .asciiz "\nThe follow values are divisible by 4: "
main:       li $t0, 20      # counter for array
        li $t1, 0       # small
        li $t2, 0       # large
        la $a1, array       # array for 20 integers

loopR:      la $a0, prompt      # print prompt
        li $v0, 4
        li $v0, 5       # read input
        sw $v0, 0($a1)      # store input
        add $a1, $a1, 4     # move index
        add $t0, $t0, -1    # reduce number of counter
        bgtz $t0, loopR     # continue while counter != 0

        li $t0, 19      # reinitialize
        la $a1, array

        la $a0, printS      # small value text
        li $v0, 4

        jal smallestLargest # call smallestLargest function

        move $a0, $v0       # print smallest value
        li $v0, 1

        la $a0, printL      # large value text
        li $v0, 4

        move $a0, $v1       # print largest value
        li $v0, 1

        li $t0, 20      # reinitialize
        li $v1, 0
        la $a1, array

        la $a0, printD      # divisible by 4 text
        li $v0, 4

        jal divisible

        move $a0, $v1       # print divisble by 4
        li $v0, 1

        li $v0, 10      # exit program

        lw $v0, 0($a1)      # smallest @ a[0]
        lw $v1, 0($a1)      # largest @ a[0]

loop:       lw $t3, 4($a1)      # load array at index 1
        add $a1, $a1, 4
        add $t0, $t0, -1

        bge $v0, $t3, small # if smallest > a[i], branch
        blt $v1, $t3, large # if largest < a[i], branch

check:      bgtz $t0, loop      # if counter is greater than 0
        b end

small:      move $v0, $t3       # store smallest to $v0
        b check

large:      move $v1, $t3       # store largest to $v1
        b check

end:        jr $ra          # return

divisible:  lw $t2, 0($a1)
        add $a1, $a1, 4
        add $t0, $t0, -1

        rem $t1, $t2, 4     # if x % 4 = 0
        beqz $t1, divCounter

check2:     bgtz $t0, divisible # check if counter greater than 0
        jr $ra          # return

divCounter: add $v1, $v1, 1
        b check2

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